Writing about writing

Writing about writing

I had a great “theme” idea for a set of scopes, forthcoming at a future date, and I loved the idea. Unfortunately, it’s turning into an unmanageable bear because it’s a subject I’m not familiar with, not in the current terms.

I don’t do too many “theme” scopes, as I’ve rarely found a thematic element that I can stretch across a whole series of 12 signs. This one idea is a stretch, and I’ve had to do some research. Plus I’ve discovered a huge, whopping hole in my “cultural intelligence.” Goes with not owning a TV.

Since the work is about half done, and it’s a good bit, in my mind, I have to keep after it.

Alas, I’m also a lot more interested in pushing forward with two more themes. I really should wait and see how the model is received before pursuing such a direction. And, instead of working, I’m busy doing “research” on the web. Right, like that’s the excuse. I just hope the boss doesn’t ding me for this one.

It’s the Feast Day of St. David, according to my notes. Regrettably, I didn’t note what he was famous for, nor, for that matter, did I find any details. I think there’s a local church that bears the same name.

Two items of note, both via The New Yorker magazine, about Lyle Lovett and another article that was linked from someplace, but I couldn’t find that link. It must’ve scrolled off. The second item was a funny column about Coke versus Pepsi. More amusing: I read it in the magazine itself before I saw it online, by mere minutes. Then, as I finished that one magazine, towards the end, after reading about an issue in Africa, I flipped to the next page, and there was one of my all-time favorite Scorpio’s: Lyle Lovett. Brilliant article, and yet, it misses a few points. But not many points are missed and there’s that sly, evocative tone the article uses, much like Lyle’s dry wit.

Interesting fact about Lyle’s Large Band? Costs so much to put it out on the road, they have to play five dates to make money on the 6th. Sounds about right.

I liked the way the article used that same “Lyle Lovett sound,” a reflection of the artist’s music, as the tone for the article itself. Which gets back to the idea of a thematic context for series of scopes, I suppose, but I’ve run out of steam. Maybe the morrow shall bring a message from a muse.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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