Dazed and confused 4/20/04
More ways than one.
1. Are you a writer?
2. Pepys Project updated.
3. Movie time: Dazed and Confused. Saw it Tuesday night as a bit of welcome relief in the middle of hectic week.
Or a weird week. I gulped a shot of espresso before heading into the theater, so I was little more “upbeat” than usual. I kept laughing at the dialogue, the dated material, the now-famous actors, and the local flora and fauna.
The setting is 5/28/1976. Where were you?
I watched several groups of patrons, a family of four – who would bring their kids to a show like that? A couple that was probably born long after the film’s settings.
4. On the way over to the Alamo (downtown), I had to stop by the post office and drop more material in the mail. I chanced across a downtown display that featured a Moontower display.

(Hint: part of the movie was shot around an Austin Moontower.)