Two-meat Tuesday

I stumbled across this, and I found it hilarious. Amusing, anyway.

The other half of the two-meat plate? It’s Tuesday, I was one my way home from the two-meat plate, being Tuesday and all, and I was idling along the south bank of the river, on the ever-popular “Auditorium Shores” section. By the Stevie Ray Vaughn statue. Earlier, as is my custom, I’d clipped a tiny a sprig of rosemary, and stuck it in my ponytail.

A woman walking two golden retrievers, comes up behind me, and as she’s passing, “Dude, you got a bit of tree stuck in your hair.”

Half correct, as rosemary is an evergreen.

I was talking on the phone and fishing, after the sun had set, not really doing a reading, just a little moral support for a client.

Got one. Not a big feller, but not a small guy either. Lots of fight. Probably one of the bucks from the neighborhood, as it were. I got him up on the bank, told the caller they’d have to call back, and got ready to take a quick picture.

I reached around for the camera, the fish was laid out on the dock, and he took one mighty flip and tossed himself back in the water. No picture. And dammit, he took my lure with him, too.

I’m starting to get an attitude about losing lures to fish.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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