Cosmic tests

I was looking over some astrological literature – a report I made for myself – checking out what was happening in my own world.

I was a little worried, as a Gemini had alerted me to the fact that my world was going to be full of challenges.

The basic take on my astrological influences, a big one, is about a challenge, and whether I’m doing what I’m suppose to be doing, or if I should change.

I always figured a cosmic test like this would be about business, whether I should give up writing horoscopes and pursue a more traditional route, give up talking to clients and doing consultations, like, you know, get a real job.

The summary of the text, from that report, is that whatever it is that you’re doing? That I’m doing? If it’s the correct pathway for me, then there will be work, but it will be tough going. Tighten up the belt, bare down, bear down, too, and stay on course despite distractions – and challenges.

I was up rather early Friday morning, and I as I tossed and turned, I decided that I would just go ahead and walk the trail with a fishing pole, and try my luck. Four mile loop, left before six in the morning, and I caught one fish. On a topwater. Damn fish wasn’t much bigger than the lure. I motored over to the other side and tried my luck there. Not even a nibble, but the fish were jumping, well after the sun had officially risen.

Had a reading plus client calls in the afternoon, usual work-related material. So astrology work is going well. That challenge? Must be about stalking fish – chasing the bass.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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