Bumper sticker

Bumper sticker
Found in South Austin – but I’m not sure what it means. Irony, juxtaposition, or just straight up fact?


Speaks volumes on so many different levels. Or, with apologies, sometimes a bumpersticker is just a bumpersticker.

I got a query email from another local astrologer. Put me in a bit of quandary. I tend to link to items that I like, amuse me, or, like the advertising, linkage that generates income.

A few weeks ago, Bubba Sean stopped by the ole trailer with a pair of cigars, “Hey, Wiggy’s has these on sale and they’re good.”

Drew Estate’s La Vieja Habana. With tax, a box of 20 cost $36. Let me get out the calculator, that’s less than $2 per cigar. An acceptable price. Better yet, the cigars are rather decent. Not a Cuban, nor is it anything really that fancy, but it’s a good cigar. At a good price. My previous experience with Drew Estate’s cigars had been less than wonderful. I hadn’t bothered to finish the Acid brand cigar, so I was curious if these would fair any better. They do. Excellent fishing cigar.

Spent most of my evening reading a book, trying to get to bed early. Munching on leftovers. After a high mileage day on Friday, I was just too tuckered out to be bothered by much. Did dash of a quick scope update, then settled into the text. Ripping yarn.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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