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Followed closely by Jan 2, 2003 regular column.

Cicadas & Mercury.
That would Mr. Mercury, the planet, not quicksilver.

For the last few days, almost every morning, or I would suppose, morning being a relative term, early afternoon for some, I’ve had to hit the trail and meet clients. No real rhyme or reason to the readings, no coherent thread, no emerging trends, nothing to connect, other than folks looking for insights that astrology might offer.

And every afternoon, in the heat of the day, as I’ve set off, through the heavy wooded sections of South Austin, I’ve noticed that sound. The screech, the cry, the background murmur, the noise of cicadas. It’s a summer sound.

It’s not something that’s always remarked upon, as it’s not a typical noise, but where I live? It’s common. Every summer, for as long as I can remember, there is always that noise.

Been a long, strange summer, that’s for sure. I got to bail out, halfway through the summer, and enjoy a little time in a cooler climate. But those days are behind me now, and it’s a long, hot August, just up ahead.

I was wandering home from what was supposed to be a big cook-out party, if one can really fire up a grill and BBQ veggie burgers. I took a pass on the burgers and watched TV while cooling my heels with ice tea.

As I wandered home in the twilight, that big moon just cresting the horizon and start her ascent, I listened for the cicadas again. Just crickets, on the path homeward.

Mercury, and looking for rhyme, reason and trends? That’s easy.

See, on July 21, 2004, Mercury went sailing past the point that it retrogrades back to. So, in effect, even though he’s still moving at a good clip, or decent clip, right now, he’s operating in his shadow. Therein was the clue. I don’t put a lot of stock into worrying about Mercury’s “shadow,” but this summer, as I noticed, there was a trend, just a little hint, the first of the Mercury questions popping up.

Doesn’t always happen this way and I don’t worry too much about it, that whole “shadow” effect of Mercury’s transits.

I hadn’t bothered to look at the ephemeris in a few days, I had to make several notes for a chart reading, but that was a different deal. However, Mr. Mercury is doing it.

Which all got me to thinking about the noise the cicadas make.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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