Fishing Guide to the Stars For the Week of: 9/9-15/2004

“A light heart lives long.”
Shakespeare’s Love’s Labor’s Lost (V.ii.18)

Aries: Cops. Airport cops. Don’t laugh, airport cops carry guns, badges and deserve every bit as much respect as a regular peace officer should command. The deal was, these cops were hassling an elderly gentleman — who, I might add — had two “babes” in the car, so the older guy was trying to impress his women. “I’m just going to sit here until they come out of the terminal with their luggage — I’m not driving around one more dern time.” Nice call, pops. The cops were nice, they pleaded, cajoled, entreated, and finally threatened. Threatening a man, especially when he’s with his women, isn’t a good idea. Breaking the law, is less of a good idea. I can see both sides of the problem here, the old guy with his girlfriends or the cops. Both sides are right. Old boy deserved some respect. Peace officers deserve respect. Tough call. But in a situation like this, doesn’t matter where your Aries self falls in this situation — cop or good old boy — remember that the laws are always right. Just do what they say. You’ll be a lot happier.

Taurus: I live in a trailer park so that someone else has to look after the grounds. Mowing the yard, trimming the trees, planting those pretty little flowers that against all odds that are still blooming? I get to let someone else take care of those chores. Why I live here. It’s a choice, a conscious decision that I’ve made. I don’t want to be burdened by aesthetic conundrums. Not my problem. Let’s face it, my sense of taste and beauty could probably use a little help. Maybe a lot of help, if you ask the right girlfriend. I’m also going to suggest, that for the next couple of days, it’s best to let someone else make the decisions that have to do with taste, beauty and style, in the Taurus section of the sky. It’s usually on of your strong points. It’s usually one of the areas where the true Taurus sentiments shine. But you’re going to find, in the next few days, maybe this isn’t the best possible place/time for your to be making a decision. It’s okay to buy groceries. It’s just fine to purchase hardware. Computer systems, stuff like is okay. But clothing? Especially something besides the utilitarian material? Maybe leave that for a later time. Or a new wall-hanging? Maybe put that off, too. Never can tell if you’ll like that purchase in a few weeks, after Venus has moved on out of Leo.

Gemini: There’s a frantic kind of energy — like this unusual for Gemini? Anyway, this frantic energy pervades almost everything you touch. I was sitting in the bow of the boat, trying to figure out how to use a simple clasp on the end of a fishing line. I fiddled with the clasp. I squeezed and teased it. The jaws wouldn’t open. I toyed with it, treating it like a split ring. Still nothing. It was simple clasp, nothing too complicated, but as I sat there, my fishing buddy was getting more and more amused at my consternation. “Just squeeze the two sides. Dude.” Right, I was trying that, only, the little tiny jaws weren’t opening for me. I stood up, shuffled my feet, looked around, muttered about the temperature, then my buddy finally took over. In one, deft move he slid the new lure on. I looked like a fool. All that effort, on my part, seemed to be wasted. Now, you can do like I do, complain, fidget, squeeze and tease, or you can just hand it off to someone who is better equipped to field the problem. Or solve the problem. Or who has glasses on so he can see those tiny jaws. Whatever. There are days when no amount of Gemini fidgeting can solve any problems. Let calmer hands prevail. Calmer heads, too.

Cancer: There’s first hand, second hand and finally third hand evidence. It’s a matter of paying attention to the details, but paying attention to the right details is what’s important. That’s why so many hands are involved. There’s first hand evidence, something you see, feel, touch, yourself. Then there’s that good, second hand evidence, something that someone — who you trust — sees, feels or touches. Then there’s that third hand evidence. This is where the questions get a little sticky, mired, as it were in circumstantial, unreliable, or just plain hearsay evidence.

This third hand stuff winds up being, “a friend of a friend, who knows something about this….” Dubious at best. Strictly speaking, inadmissible in a court of law, too, as far as I know. But I’m not a lawyer nor do I plan to ever be one. But your Cancer self doesn’t need a lawyer to figure this out. Look, listen and ascertain just where the information is coming from. Is this a reliable source? Personally, I’ve got a good friend, who I trust implicitly, but you know, just because he claims that he knows something about a certain topic doesn’t mean that he actually knows anything about that topic. Sometimes, it’s all made up. Fiction, as it were. Careful about separating the fictions from the facts. Just because it’s what you want to hear, in your Cancer heart, stop and think if it’s from a source that can be verified.

Leo: There’s a chocolate counter where you can purchase candies, in a nice box, by weight. Good trick. Select all the bonbons that you want, and put whatever your heart desires into the little gift box. Nothing prepackaged. Just the stuff that you want. Or the stuff that you want to give away. If you’re really sweet to the girl behind the counter — she was a Leo — she might offer you up a spare sweet to tide you over while making your selections. The idea is to help someone else. The idea, the concept, is that this is a “gift set” specifically chosen for the recipient. It requires a little thought, a little effort, and it was an ideal gift for Ma Wetzel. She doesn’t like the candies that are too chewy, nor, does she go for too much of the “filled” chocolates, the ones with all kinds of nasty fluids in them. Just a varied selection of nice, dark, sweet, chocolates. Think about looking for a gift a like this. I’m not pandering to my own “wee Scorpio mum” on this, what I’m suggesting is that your Leo self can do something nice for another person, and on the way, you can treat yourself to a little sweet stuff yourself. But be thoughtful; you don’t want to be hoarding all that chocolate for your Leo self — tempting as that may be.

Virgo: I went wandering out of the door to fetch up my mail. It’s been one of those early mornings, and it was still rather cool out. Felt like fall, albeit briefly. I’d pulled on a tattered terrycloth robe, which was, at one time, many long years ago, it had been a red robe. Kind of a faded pink these days. One neighbor just gives me a standard “hello,” nodes, and keeps on about his business. Another neighbor, a Virgo, “Hey, how you doing, what’s up, where you going, would you like a ride back to your trailer?” What am I doing? Grabbing the stack of bills that require my attention. Where was I going? Back to my domicile. What’s going on? Not much, I was just up early and hadn’t checked the mail in a few days. Did I take a ride? Sure. Nothing like scooting along at 7 in the morning — do people really go to work at that hour — in someone else’s vehicle. Point is, when someone — doesn’t matter whom — offers a ride — or assistance — doesn’t matter how “token” the gesture may be — it doesn’t hurt to cheerfully accept the assistance. In less than a 100 yards, I was promised, “we’ll get together for TexMex, Real Soon Now….”

Libra: There’s something special about heading back in from the lake, on a Saturday afternoon, having just spent a good half dozen hours on the lake, belly full of BBQ, and listening to college football on the radio. “Must be September in Texas,” one fishing buddy was suggesting. The problem being, having spent the evening before out and carousing, and having just spent a morning struggling with bait, fish, lures, tangled fishing lines, and more fish, then getting a bellyful of BBQ, the most important item on the agenda is a nap. I would like to suggest to you, dear Libra, that an afternoon nap should be a featured portion of as many of your afternoons as possible. This doesn’t last for long, but the balmy afternoons just lend themselves to a more relaxed pace for your self. Regrettably, not everyone can have the life of Libra leisure, the way it’s supposed to be, but the way the planet’s stack up with the bulk of the power in the sign that comes before you, that would be Virgo, the way it is, a nap is in order. One too many people have too high of an expectation of you. What you can do, what you can’t do, what’s well within your capable Libra grasp, and what’s not to be expected? Expect that you might have to juggle your schedule some, but that nap? That time alone with no one else bothering you? Works like a charm in restoring your good nature.

Scorpio: When I’ve tested this astrological theory on the masses, I’ve found that it works most of the time. So, for the bulk of the Scorpio’s who read this, life is going to be getting pretty good. Might not be right this minute, but you can see that life looks good from where you’re at. Or should be looking good, pretty quick like. Might not be at the exact moment you read this scope — I know, there’s been more than one little (stupid) problem bothering you. But the long-term overview is really rather rosy. From where I live in Austin, the September Sun rises over downtown. The exact moment the sun crests the horizon is blocked by a series of tall building, our putative “downtown.” Such as it is. So I miss the glorious sunrise itself. Just like me missing the exact moment of sunrise, you’re missing one glorious moment. But the colors play out against the morning sky, the rosy glow is there, and this is just a function of my location relative to downtown. So the theory is that like my missing the actual moment of the sunrise, you might miss that one moment of glorious morning glory. That doesn’t mean that you miss the rest of the show, or, for that matter, that the rest of the day isn’t any good. Rest of the week. Its getting better. In Scorpio land, I mean, it’s getting in your world. Give it a moment to clear the little obstacles.

Sagittarius: “It was five beers before I went in the water again!” That was a comment from a friend of mine, about surfing off the coast of Southern California. Had something to do with seeing fins. Shark fins. As can be expected, there was more to the story, California coastline, surfing, threat of sharks, and fins that appeared to be sharks, which, as it turned out, were only dolphins, being playful. Nothing like a little malted beverage to help ease the fear factor, though. Some days are like that, too, it takes a little something extra in order to make it work right. Takes something to add an edge, or knock the edge off. I’m not suggesting surfing this week, although, from what I’ve seen there can be some tasty waves. And I’m not saying that all fins in the water are sharks, but you never can tell. I’m suggesting that you’re going to encounter something that might not be what it seems to be. Best way around that situation? My buddy suggested something just a little shy of a full six-pack. I can’t condone such behaviors, but you know, whatever works.

Capricorn: “Patience: it’s the only virtue I have left.” I’m just quoting one of my Capricorn buddies. He was bemoaning his fate, the evil hand of cards dealt to him by the inhospitable and seemingly uncaring hands of fate. He wasn’t happy. However, I’m not sure that this is the exact same situation faced by all Capricorns. Besides, this one Capricorn lad? He’s taken the concept of venting about emotional trauma to a new level, elevated it to a high art form. He’s also a little paranoid. He’s pretty sure that the “world” is out to “get him.” Right. Sure thing. Take it personal. Deal is, there’s a number of rather strong, rather positive influences in your Life of Capricorn these days. Life is good. There can be some pretty smooth sailing. Of course, this one Cappy lad? He can’t see the forest because there are just way too many trees in his way. Are you going to let this happen to yourself? Just like him? The hands of fate are, indeed, dealing you a rather unusual set of cards. Pick and choose. Pick which card you want to throw away, and then, dare I suggest it? Pick up someone else’s discard and see what you can make of the cards you then hold. I would never, ever suggest that anyone — besides my self — play the long shot. Those just don’t work out. Not usually. But these are unusual times, and there’s just the oddest little hint that the heavens will help you, if you pick and choose correctly.

Aquarius: Personally, I always find romance kind of exciting. Not just for me, but for whoever is involved. It’s a topic I’ve studied and written about, something that I pay attention to, and for the likes of an astrology business person than I am, it’s something that I see a lot of. Romance, in one form or another, is a big deal, especially now. There’s the upside, that heady gush of raw emotions that you first feel, then there’s the long-term prognostications about those feelings. To be sure, more than one astrology writer has suggested that Aquarius folks don’t have emotions. I’m not in that camp, personally. However, the “romance” question bares further examination. Deal is this, it’s about partnerships, less about romance and more those folks you align yourself with. Be it personal friends, work-related acquaintances, beer-drinking chums, or whatever. “Whomever,” I suppose is more correct. Given my circle of friends, “whatever” might be a better word. So skip the big concentration on romance. I know, there will be a ton of folks all talking romance and “true love” and all that other crap, but just for once, maybe look someplace, or look at it all with a different reference point. Romance is highly overrated, but true friends? Those are folks who will stand by you long after the Aquarius lovers have left the building. A little excitement is possible, but I’d suggest you be just tad bit wary of what is promised in that heady state of bliss.

Pisces: “Work is for people who don’t know how to fish.” Yes, it’s a funny one. Yes, it’s true, too. But work seems to be cutting into the available time to fish. I feel your pain. I really do understand you frustration with the “work” thang. But unless you really are a Fishing Guide, then there might be a problem with trying to find enough time to enjoy the fruits of your labors. Work is going to interrupt at the worst possible time. I was sitting in a boat, in the middle of Lake Austin, on a weekday morning, and my fishing buddy had to take a call from “work.” Rather untimely. No computer access, no way to sound like he was busy doing something useful in his cubicle someplace. I kept quiet, and the fish were more than accommodating in that neither one of us got a bite while he was discussing a project with his manager. Imagine what that would be like, “Hey, let me call you back, I just got fish!” I’m pretty sure such behavior is frowned upon in certain work groups. Not a problem around here, but for some of my more gainfully employed buddies? Cold present complications. So if you’re playing hooky, one way or another, make sure your partner in crime knows when to keep his mouth shut.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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