Spell check & more


Not my version, “quanity,” which, to me, sounds perfectly correct. Just one of the anomalies I try to deal with, more – or less – effectively when I’m wending my way through a horoscope file, trying to make sure that the words are right and the cadence works properly.

Round a-bout, 9/15/04 10:15 AM, ya’ll said:
> You know, there should be a law against posting succulent descriptions
> of ribs that make one want to run right out and get some NOW.

Astrological, but still unrelated:
Three, four, even five charts in the last 48 hours, five different birthdays, from a wide background, but the common point in all of them? 5 degrees of Libra. Same answer, too: third full week in October. Now, what was the question?

In the news:
Beer is as good as wine for those free radicals?

And in the meantime:
Off to an Austin Blogger social. I figure, by now, the horrendous stereotype of a computer person being a socially awkward geek should be done with. As one local piece of advertising suggests, “The Geek shall inherit the earth.” It was lively, and surprisingly intellectual, excepting me, of course. Most interesting new site to me? Taurus.

I was wearing a G. Loomis ball cap. Pretty cool logo, perfect attire for the evening. While I was in line at Bouldin Caffeine Dealer, a guy looks up at the cap, and says, “Yeah, good fishing rods.” I mention that I would amenable to being sponsored by them. He suggests he’ll pass my business card along to someone who knows someone. Or something like that.

G-Loomis IMX Series Spinning Rod – Model HSR9000S – 76 XFML – $255.00

G-Loomis GLX Trigger Rod – 76 H – $475.00

How about reels to match those fishing rods?

Shimano Stella Spinning Reel – STL1000FA – $489.99

Shimano Calcutta TE CTE201DC Baitcast Reel – $499.99

And finally….
As a last lament, just once, I’d love for the horoscopes to roll over without one last, little typo creeping in. Only a hundred and thirty hits – or so – had a chance to see it before I caught the error.

It’s not the quantity of the errors, it’s the quality of the errors?

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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