Two-Meat Tuesday

Two part harmony?

I’m particularly upset with one of my buddies. He’s a normal enough guy, knows a lot about fishing, handles himself with a certain quiet charm around the ladies, acts in a responsible manner, and so on.

Just a typical Texan. No big deal, just a guy you’d like to have on your side in a fight, in as much as he would spend a lot of time trying to avoid the situation. Normally, a rather politic gentleman.

The problem?

He got me hooked with one Clancy novel. He just let me borrow his pristine, first-edition hardback version of one novel, and about halfway through the book, I was busy looking for its paperback version, not because I wanted the novel, but the 1,000 page hardback was too unwieldy to balance on my chest when I was supine on the futon, reading. And weighing more than a laptop? No way I was toting that chunk of printed material around when traveling.

I went through a couple of the other Clancy novels, then I abandoned the quest because it really wasn’t fiction I was terribly interested in; although, the plot, the action, the background demonstrates a degree of scholarship that I do admire. I mean, a ripping good yarn is a ripping good yarn, even if it an FAA-mandated text.

Not long ago, I picked up Teeth of the Tiger, more because it was on sale, and I can justify it as “airport reading.” Yeah, so?

We all have a few guilty pleasures.

Pork ribs?
I’ve gotten quite spoiled about BBQ. There are a few places close at hand wherein the food is good. Actually, quite good. Even the ubiquitous “chain stores” offer rather good BBQ (like Rudy’s). The place I prefer, the Tuesday namesake? It’s not like the BBQ is that good, but it’s certainly not bad. “Certainly not bad,” damn with faint praise. Yeah, whatever.

Sagittarius kind of day, couple of them, stacked up, back-to-back. Makes my day.

What interested me, a couple of weeks ago, I’d written about how things were a little off-center in Sagittarius. Not bad, just a little out of whack. There are those, I suppose, who will suggest I apparently live life a little out of whack, but that’s not the issue.

That one BBQ place, the way it works on a Two-Meat day, usually the pork ribs or the brisket will be amazing, the finest artwork of the kitchen god’s efforts. Or the grill master. Or whatever, whomever, is in charge of making the meal so tasty. Add a saucy waitress who will invariably sass that weird astrology guy? Makes it perfect.

It is, quite often, the pork ribs. I believe it’s the rub used on the meat before the ribs are smoked for 18 hours. There’s a hint of brown sugar, and touch of cayenne. Not too much of either, but a wonderful combination. Then, when the ribs are really right, which they frequently are, there’s, like, a little crust on the surface of the meat. A hardened glaze, and the first millimeter or so, it has the consistency of jerked beef. Not all the way through, not when those ribs are right. Can’t always be this good, and I have very manageable expectations about the food. The place is popular because it’s local. Not because the food is always great. Dependably good, just not always stellar. Doesn’t much matter, free WiFi? Cold ice tea? Live bait for sale next door?

So with the Sagittarius onslaught, I’m finding that the prediction was rather good. The big planet shifts in Virgo brings about tension in Sagittarius. Which isn’t all bad. On any given Tuesday, the food will be good. Which one? Ribs or brisket?

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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