Sometimes, I wonder, if it’s like a Three-Meat Thursday deal. Or something. Off to Dallas for a “birthday weekend” celebration with the whole family. Sort of a precursor to T-Day, I suppose.
Uno: Mag queso, Sagittarius and Leo.
I got a call the other afternoon, from a Leo bud, just in from the Left Coast via the East Coast, and he’s stuck in town. “Dude, queso at Mag?” Sure. On the way to Magnolia, I passed another Leo, for the second time, in the parking lot of the White Crane. Twice. In less than 12 hours.
The nice Sagittarius girl, I haven’t seen her in a year of more, she was waiting on us. Nice to see familiar tats again. Let’s make the Leo/Sagittarius thing even more odd. Wednesday night, a Sagittarius feller was working at Jo’s, as I grabbed some coffee going up to Magnolia. Thursday morning, grabbed a similar cup of Jo’s, and it was another Sagittarius working.
Dos: Activist Vision.
At the Alamo (downtown), Third Coast Activist presented “About Baghdad.” Which, I thought, was going to be some left wingnut piece about the current events. At one point, the presenter in the film, “an Iraq Michael Moore,” did try to goad a interview in the direction of “The US supplied Saddam with weapons and then the US bombed us….”
What I was left with, a sense that the occupation was bad, but it wasn’t as bad as the outright slaughter under Saddam’s regime. Sheer terror was replaced with great inconvenience. I don’t think that was the intent of the “documentary” film – it’s jus what I took away.
On my way to the theater, I passed a young male (I think), dressed in all black, sporting very green hair.
Tres: images.
I caught this image on the way home the other evening. I’m strictly, well, pretty much, more less, private about my political decisions. Doesn’t matter how I vote, I will offend up to 50% of my readership. Can’t be alienating half the paying customers. Issues, issues, issues. Anyway, if you don’t vote then you can’t complain. It’s that simple.
The problem with the picture is that there’s a toy railroads track in it. I have strong feelings about mass transit and especially about urban rail systems. I’ll probably vote against the proposed system, based almost solely on one activist’s blog. That site argues more effectively and eloquently about the proposed problems than any other publication. In that one case, I’ll admit what I’m voting against, and why.
Austin desperately needs effective mass transit. From what I’ve gathered, though, the current item up for vote is not effective, nor does it promise to be. Which means it will probably win, even without my support this time.

The only other endorsement I can publicly make? That should be obvious.