While that acronym might mean one thing to some folks, like me, turns out, right next door to Bouldin Creek Coffee, that’s the name of a car sales place.
NFW Auto Sales

Feast of St. Crispin
Monday is the Feast of St. Crispin.
Which, near as I can tell, has nothing to do with anything. Agincourt, 500 plucky Brits, 10,000 French nobles and underlings, Brits kicked some serious* French booty.
Actual numbers, from what I recall of history? 1,500 Brits versus 2,500 French. Brits, under Henry V’s command, used the long-bow to – literally – kill the enemy.
“Hey, they’re killing us here!” (say it in French?)
Ah yes, but Shakespeare’s (Branagh’s) version is lot more dramatic. As my wee Scorpio mum once said, “Never let the facts interfere with a good story.”
Unrelated historical note:
Agincourt might have been one of the first instances of “modern” warfare because Henry V lacked enough manpower to guard the captives (per the chivalry code) and fight the last part of battle. Don’t ask me where I got that tidbit; it’s from some historical note of something and I can’t source the idea. But it’s not original.
*Link differs from my history text, and I’m not sure which is more correct. Textbook from college days, those books would never be wrong?