Which only seems fitting for being with family.
I was poking around on Sister’s Lunfan.com site, considering design issues. The last time I worked out a splash page, I used a smaller-than-accepted-norm of 640 X 480 image because I was trying to keep the load size down – keep it “modem friendly,” as it were. 800 X 600 weighs too much, too.
I was playing with a graphic file, trying to get it sized an uploaded for the cover of the book version of the columns, due out in December. But that one image got me to thinking about going back to a splash page.
Unreated inbound mail:
Round a-bout, 10/29/04 10:51 AM, ya’ll said:
> I’ve learned so much through your entries and articles..thank you for taking
> the time to write back. I tried to figure out what “Ibam ibi, feci id, aditus
> piscari” means.
Ibam ibi, feci id” (Been there, done that.)
And then I went fishing instead.
Unrelated images:
Some time Friday afternoon, I remember sitting down to a reading, and I remember getting up and wandering off into the wilderness of the hood, toward the creek and home, for swim and a nap, near as I recall.
Maybe it was the coffee, maybe it was something else, but I had a half-dozen images saved from my wanderings. Most them were too shaky to be useful, although a few of them were funny – at least to me. I did save one:

A ’58 Rambler
Only, the more I looked at that map, I think I missed a few states that I’ve been to, like that one at the top, and the Midwestern one, too, I think I’ve been there. Couple of them that are unchecked, where I think I’ve been, at least for a visit. Never been to Rhode Island, that much I’m sure of. I think.

The sticker says, “This is not Dallas,” and that’s me, shirtless in the October sun, outside a coffee stop.