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RedHead Rock Solid Guarantee
Silk Chemise for Ladies
Monday’s Miasma
Comic lines lifted elsewhere.
Need to run a new pledge drive. Two options, and this was based on some interaction, a reminder of the old “subscribe or the dog gets it” idea:

“Don’t make me come over there”

“anything helps”
I was a little worried about plugging in some kind of pledge drive, but the site needs it – plus I’ve got a number of folks worrying why the scopes on the front page are last week’s – that’s because the current scopes are by subscription. The lawn needs to be mowed, the server has to be paid for and so on.
I’m seeing two other sides of that coin, a three-sided coin.
PayPal is almost a monopoly, plus they have dubious standards about business, no triple x material, and some other political intrigue.
Then there’s idea that some folks don’t find the scopes useful. Hence the free stuff. If it doesn’t work, then don’t subscribe.
“It’s a wonderful night, got to take it from me
It’s a wonderful night, come on and break it on down”
(FatBoy Slim, It’s a wonderful night)
More on Morrow (Cory Morrow):
Songwriter’s Lament, from the Full Exposure CD.
“I’ve got some fond memories of San Angelo
and I’ve seen some beauty queens in El Paso,
but the best looking women that I’ve seen
have all been in Texas, all wearing jeans….”
Really unrelated flatulence:
Only in America?