Picked up a local item that might be of interest to some, Streets Without Cars. Unrelated pictures, which have nothing to do with anything, a Kinky link, and the rest of the day.

BMSE work
Trail (road) closed.
I missed Kinky Friedman in Austin, the other evening. Two Scorpios: Ma Wetzel and Kinky Friedman. Which one is more important? Ma Wetzel wins on that account, hands down. Don’t ever trifle with a diminutive Scorpio.
However, looks like I might catch “the Kinkster” in San Antonio.

I’ll have to see, schedule’s getting packed up again. And this was supposed to be my off-season.
I couldn’t get the attention of any fish, to save my life. So it goes. Same story, different day. I’d take a break from banging out a horoscope, wander the water’s edge, flip some bait out, and watch as the big bass roll right on by. I have had some success with tiny watermelon flukes, but not much more than nibbles.
I took the trail over to Barton Creek, went for a quick swim, wandered downtown, and somewhere, along the way, I ran into a Gemini buddy. He came sneaking up behind me as I was trimming a piece of rosemary for my hair.
“Two meat guy?”
I wasn’t sure, at first, who was addressing me. Or what the meat connection was. New day. I was off to Bouldin Coffee for a vegan entrée, for my dinner.
It works out that way, from time to time, though, this writer’s life. At a few minutes before midnight, I was just finishing up another column, and I had a flash of insight, an image from the afternoon, and I plugged it into the next batch of scopes. Then, I was thinking about the local groups, and I checked one of the sites to see when the next meet up would be. Which lead me to this blog and its title intrigued me, “Another 1,000 Words.”
Yes, that’s what I do in a day, just about every day, except when I have to work, like this coming weekend. Or the weekend after that. Even then, when I get a chance, I plug in and add to the notes for the day.
Some days, it all makes sense. Other days? I’m less sure.