The other side of midnight

The other side of midnight.

There’s more to the backbeat than a 4/4 rhythm. There’s also some stealth. Sunday morning was cold and wet.

I met a friend at Magnolia, on my way out of town, basically a “first meeting of the day,” and the chart? Saturn (Capricorn) lined up with her Sun. As I walked into Magnolia, the former cook, now manager was there. In shorts. Capricorn. Waitress? That cute little Capricorn from the other evening.

I screwed up on my timing, and got to SA an hour early. Did I mention the shopkeeper? She’s a Capricorn.

I stopped in Buda, or San Marcos, or some place. There was a new Starbucks. I unplugged from the music and wandered in, “How long has this place been here?”

“Two months!”

It’s like, one day, there was this field, and the next, a helicopter just air-lifted a complete Starbucks, like, almost overnight. Plopped it right down.

In my mind, and on my iPod, Crystal Method’s Vegas, Chemical Brothers’ Surrender, and both Fatboy Slim’s
Halfway Between the Gutter and the Stars & the new Palookaville make excellent headphone music. There’s one other, classic Floyd, as in Pink. Pink Floyd. Instellar Overdrive. Timeless.

But it has to have a good bookend, right?

“I’m a man of the road, the highway is my home.” (Wayne Hancock, “A Man of the Road” on A-Town Blues)

Most important thing I learned this time, in San Antonio?
If you leave your purse (I suppose, for some folks, this might be a little gender specific), on the floor, money drains out of it. Therefore, the secret is to make sure that the purse isn’t resting on the floor.

“That’s just an old Mexican wives’ tale.”

Not making any money, or rather, not showing any profit on Sunday didn’t deter my basically sunny outlook in the bad weather. There’s still a sense of being on the road and traveling, same route, for years and years. New places, old places, new faces, old faces.

I’m a little in the hole for the weekend, but that’s the way it goes. That extra hour was spent wandering in the big sporting goods store, just up the street. I found some of them “yeller” worms I like. None of the places in Austin seem to have them. Plus, I was running a little low on the “cotton-candy” colored wiggly bits.

It’s a theme, to me, and one that excited me early on. Nice to see it revitalized. I still recall one lad commenting about the sorry lack of plot. Not that that’s ever interfered with my work.

The weekly audio will be up in a few minutes. After I retrun the car and meet a client for a reading.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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