For the Week of: 12/23-29/2004

“A very fresh fish here!”
Shakespeare’s Henry VIII [II.iii.96] The subtitle for Shakespeare’s Henry VIII? Be a good trivia question.
Aries: I changed one color code on a web page, and I was surprised at the number of inbound notes I received. Just tweak one little byte, just shift a couple of binary numbers from zero to one or back again, and look what happens. Maybe it’s not really such a big deal, but, according to the incoming messages, it was a big deal. Bothersome. Troublesome. Change seems to cause people problems. I’m not suggesting that you’re tweaking a web page these days. You might not even be working on a computer. But the computer terms, wherein all the important information is reduced to a “one” or a “zero” is good way to look at the holiday time. I’m unsure of your religious/spiritual orientation, too. Doesn’t matter, it’s a holiday. But you’re going to make one little change. Just a couple of numbers in the color table, and then look at the growing cascade of opinions. It’s pretty much and even split, those who like the new color scheme and those who find any change to the existing arrangement to a be a frightful interruption in service. Never mind that the data is still there. Never mind that the basic, underlying structure is the same. Some folks don’t gracefully accept change. Just keep that in mind over the holiday.

Taurus: I was working away, one cloudy and gloomy December morning. It was cold outside, and inside, too. I’d left the heat off because it wasn’t that cold, and I’d left a window cracked to get some fresh air. Shady Acres overlooks a portion of the Colorado River, a river that runs through Austin. Cool, damp air. “At least it’s a wet cold.” I was tucked into my flannel pajamas, and I’d gotten up to fetch a fresh cup of coffee. Something to warm the spirits. As I creaked across the floorboards of the trailer, my left hand was idly scratching at my backside. If this isn’t a scene of true, domestic bliss. Then I got worried, as I felt like I was looking a little much like, I don’t know, the subject of a comedy sketch. Me in pajamas, scratching myself. The cat rolled over and looked up at me, wondered if I was going to put any food out for her. As far as I know the only person who saw me scratch myself like that was the cat. And she was more interested in cat culinary items than my other actions. So I was safe. But I was thinking about this as I sat back down. Mars moves out of opposition to you. Take it easy. Relax. The only person liable to see a relaxed motion like that is the cat. Or dog. And it’s not like either of those critters care.

Gemini: “May you always have the wind at your back.” It’s salutation or greeting or form of departure message, I don’t recall. I was looking over several charts for the upcoming week, and I realized that you’re going some place. Far away? Maybe. Just down the road? Could be that, too. When I was overseas, I listened while a couple of lads were talking about how far away a certain town was. “Takes half a day to get there.” When I looked on the map, I realized it wasn’t really that far. Just around the corner. So it’s just around the corner for me, but by that particular country’s standards, it’s an all-day affair. Sort of depends on the person, and the correct frame of reference. I have, on more than one occasion, commuted halfway across this country, just for a business meeting. So when I wish you a chance to have the wind at your back, where you’re going? I’m not too sure. Could be far-flung travels. Could be something a lot closer, all depends on you and your situation. But I’ll promise, even though it’s the holiday season and all that crap, you’re going to enjoy both the ride and the destination.

Cancer: “Wow, those are slamming shoes!” Don’t ask me. Shoes don’t usually do a lot for me. I’m not one who worries about apparel too much. I’m not going not win any awards for fashion, nor, will I ever introduce a line of “Fishing Guide to the Stars” clothing, like suits, slacks, and gracefully tailored outfits that drape jus so. I suppose I could introduce a line of black T-shirts, but I’m not sure that my “one size fits all” design is going to work. So ‘slamming shoes’ just doesn’t do it for me. However, it might work for the dear Cancer. There’s just one catch, it’s that Christmas bug. But with what’s coming up, or going on right now, you can’t afford to be shopping for yourself, not just yet. Or, with the relative position of a couple of planets. You can shop for yourself just fine, but I’d hold off on actually buying those “slamming shoes” unless you happen across a really good pre-Xmas sale.

Leo: Fishing buddy was watching me turn a strike into a catch. All I did was set the hook. Only, the way I set the hook, there was a lot more body English involved than most fishermen would use. I should trademark the move or maybe make it onto a TV fishing show. It’s all about the delicate dance between fisherman and fish. I was certainly making my version of the dance looks a lot more theatrical — much to the amusement of my fishing host. “Uh, what was that?” he asked. “Setting the hook,” I explained and started to reel in a medium size fish (not all fish I catch are big). “Oh. Yeah. Might just use your wrist, it’s what I do,” he said, not very impressed with my dance and hook-set. But it gets fish. That’s the point. A little flourish, a little dated dance move, a little extra action? Whatever works. All I’m saying is the next few days are kind of like me in the boat, you do something with a little more theatrical flair than other folks. So what if the other, non-Leo people are not impressed? Results count. And you’re little move seems to get results.

Virgo: For real, tournament fishing, I use a decent medium action, 7-foot pole. In fact, there are two that I use. However, for fishing off the shore, here in front of Shady Acres, I use a shorter 6-foot, light action model. The shorter pole is useful because it doesn’t run into as many things when I’m toting it around. Plus, that “light-action” design is a little more suited to the smaller fish I catch here. More fun, more sporting, if you will. Even a three-pound bass feels like a monster on some light action line. Plus there’s the convenience. Six-foot poles stand a better chance of not getting in the way of anything. That’s important. One time, I got in trouble with the Shady Acres management because I had left all my gear outside. Looked unkempt. Xmas is fast approaching. I don’t want you to look unkempt or to get in trouble with the management. In order to avoid that kind of problem? Consider a shorter pole. We’re looking for a way to make life easier, even better, here in Virgo land. There are number of shortcuts that can be employed. Sometimes, it’s not really a big deal, just something simple. Like a shorter fishing pole. One that doesn’t snag on the trailers doorway.

Libra: I’d been fishing, not long ago, and I was just totally beat when I got home. My fishing trips generally include some fine repast after we’re done at the lake, so I probably had a bellyful of BBQ. Or TexMex. Something. In fact, I was full of something that made me sleepy. So I leaned the fishing poles up outside, against trailer, walked in the door at home, and fell into the bed. I woke up, some two hours later, in one of those strange, “I don’t know where I am” states. I realized I still smelled like lake and fishing, so I started to take a shower. As I was lathering up my locks, I noticed that there was a knot in my hair. More than a tangle, a knot. I started to try and comb it out, but I gave up. I hopped out of the shower and clipped the knot out with a pair of shears. When I finished showering, I was clean, rested, refreshed, and having just fished earlier in the day, in a rather good place, emotionally. Look: you’re going to wind up with a knot in your hair, or something like that, and instead of worrying about it? Just clip it out. Might disturb the way your lovely locks fall, but on the positive side, it’s the easiest, most expedient solution to a persistent problem. Makes for a much happier evening. Or holiday time.

Scorpio: In one set of Xmas scopes, I introduced every sign with a “Merry Christmas!” I was severely chastised for my lack of originality for that word choice. So my Scorpio friends will get the single, happy holiday salutation, and everyone else will just have to suffer with the usual material. Mars has been a big player in your chart, and like most big players, I tend towards the Elizabethan stage directions, “Mars exuent.” Means Mr. Mars is going to mosey on into Sagittarius. Means life will settle down in your Scorpio world. You’ve been herded along by those twin love planets, Mars & Venus, for a spell. Party’s over. Or just about to start. Just about the same time Xmas day arrives, life starts to settle down. You’re going to find that the confines of your own domicile are lot more attractive than anything else. Plus, you’re happier at home. A happy Scorpio is a good thing. Trust me, I’ve owned a Scorpio or too in my time. So the big deal is the dust is settling. The big deal is there are no more big deals. Settle in, relax. Enjoy the extra break the planets are dealing you.

Sagittarius: It comes as quite a shock to a number of my close friends, but once upon a time, I used to love to listen to Rush Limbaugh. No, this is not a joke. I’m usually pretty far from his way of seeing things, me being somewhat liberal, tree-hugging and basically a democrat or a green. But what I always openly admired about that talk show host? His rhetoric. “Rhetoric” is the art of persuasion. It’s about how to bend the facts, where to obfuscate the logic, how to twist an argument to your own advantage. It’s about how to win. I like listening to a master craftsman at work. Mixing words, looking for emotional triggers, and once that rallying cry is heard, it’s “Once more into the breech, dear friends! (Shakespeare’s Henry V, Act III intro, first line). Rhetoric. Current events? Better yet, holidays? Family, friends, tensions a little high? Just done with Mercury being backwards? Yes, all that. I don’t care where your personal politics fall. I’m not taking either side. I’m not pushing my opinion on anyone. But listen to a master wordsmith sometime, take a few notes on how the argument is presented and how it’s won. Time for our Sagittarius selves to brush up on the art of winning a debate. Not that this would have anything to do with family politics or upcoming Xmas time, spent in lively discussion, either. Ho-ha.

Capricorn: It was the sound of wind in the aspen tree. I was probably going someplace important, like up the hill to the diner, and I was sulking a bit. Holidays can do that to me. You too. Just not in the happiest place the moment. Not like this is going to last, because there will be something, and for me, it was the wind stirring the leaves in the top of the tree. First off, it just struck me as odd that the leaves were still green, product of a mild fall, no doubt. Or maybe it was fluke of nature. Seems that we get one or two really nice days, and maybe the tree thought it was springtime already. Who knows what trees think? So there’s that little sign, a little something, an occurrence or observation that is not consistent with the way things are supposed to be, and yet. And yet? For some reason, that little occurrence or observation just brings an inward smile. Whatever it is that you notice? In this harried, frantic pace we’ve all been leading lately? Whatever that simple observation is, you’re going to find that it’s a turning point for you. Suddenly, the days aren’t as gray, the nights aren’t as long, and the merriment is a little more jolly. Happy birthday, happy holidays!

Aquarius: Christmas Holidays, I usually go and visit family. Just the way it goes. Not like there’s anything else I’d rather be doing, other than possibly fishing. So when a fishing buddy hollered at me the other afternoon, he was off for two weeks around Xmas, he was wondering when I’d be around, and if I’d like to hit the lake. As much as fishing sounds like a lot of fun, in the winter, sometimes winter in name only, in Central Texas, the fish are less than cooperative. Not always full of the usual fight and vigor. I would suppose that the fish’s actions — or lack of action — have something to do with the change in barometric pressure. But I’m not sure. So making plans was a little more difficult. However, for me and my Aquarius self, the simple action of getting up, going out and actually fishing, running through the motions, it brings a certain stillness and quiet to the soul. I looked at my travel schedule, and managed to work in an extra day just for a jaunt to the lake. So look at your busy Aquarius schedule. You should be spending a lot of your time, running around, making everyone else happy. Family, friends, parties, and so forth. Work in a little time to fish — or whatever slightly out-of-season relaxation therapy you employ — get in a little bit of time, maybe just a couple of hours, but work in a little time to have some fun.

Pisces: My favorite place to fish, when it’s nice enough outside, is a little east of town. Beautiful, artificial lake, nestled in some pine woods. When time is short, there’s always the lake right in front of Shady Acres. Or, there’s any one of a number of lakes just upstream from here. We’d been fishing on blustery winter’s morn, and when we were done, we’d motored over the restaurant on the dock, and had ourselves some grub. Big plate full of enchiladas, piquant hot sauce, and so forth. Perfect way to warm up after a cold morning. I got reflecting back, sitting there on a winter’s morn, looking at the end of the year and a new year beginning, thinking back, perhaps a decade earlier, when all I’d wanted was to motor up to this one dock, park the boat, and hop over the rail for a little “comida.” Just like we were doing. Wish. Wish big. You’ll be surprised, my fine Pisces friend, some of these wishes actually come true. These days, I’m trying to visualize a 5-pound bass.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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