Friday five

Is there still such a thing? Do I even care? I can imagine that this should look like the bullet points on a presentation. But if there are bullet points on a presentation, then everyone will yawn. Those “presentations” with the factory-made templates make me very sleepy.

1) Missed one, and it’s important, St. Valerian’s day (Ides of December) – the saint we appeal to for protection from cold and snow.

2) I was exchanging e-mail with clients, and looking at blogs, two unrelated activities. But I was thinking, been thinking about this a lot, partly because of the book I was reading, too, and what I miss about not having live grandparents? That five buck they used to slip me. Came at xmoose time. In a more caustic mode, I’d think, “five buck, no big deal,” but on cold nights like Thursday night, all alone, it’s the thought that counts.

4) Devo on the stereo. “Going downtown.” “We’re through being cool.” Which brought about a new name for Thursday, I was thinking, “freeloading Friday” instead of Friday Five, since that’s what I did. Free bandwidth at two coffee spots, free food, first from a Libra (bless her larcenous soul), and then from a Gemini.

5) Weather. All depends. Might be fishing at “oh-dark-thirty” in the AM. Wait and see.

Number three was lost in a spam filter.

Friday addendum:
Which, I suppose, I could tag to that Devo note. Wasn’t Devo (originally) classified as “New Wave?”

“We’re through being cool.”

For me, it’s off that “greatest hits” CD. Took two passes through my stacks of CDs to find it – I knew I had it. What was playing earlier, though, at the coffee house? I’m pretty sure it was Devo’s New Traditionalists CD – with a 1981 release date. A little Libra guy was spinning the CDs yesterday morning. The music, it was almost as old as he was. Off by a year or so, but a good juxtaposition as any.

Which then lead back to the weirdest occurrence I’ve had in since – seems like July – a Friday with nothing on the books. No readings. No phone appointments. Nothing. Easy to predict that, by noon, the schedule will fill up and I’m going to bed very early so I can get up and maybe fish Saturday morn. Still, it’s the first absolutely blank day I’ve seen in a while. There’s a spin on that, though, with that electronic datebook/calendar? I’ve rearranged schedules about 43 times, and there’s been items scheduled and erased or moved, a half-dozen times. Mercury mayhem, for sure.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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