Mining (not really redux)
I went mining the other morning. Evening. Sometime.
“Life is a freak show – I just do the charts.” (original source)
Preceded by Sex & Cash.
That was just weird. Wandered over to a coffee shop to meet a client, who was running late. I was quietly, and as unobtrusive as I could be, observing a lad make conversation to a clutch of females. In walks a another girl. I tap her on the shoulder.
“I was here first, you’re following me.”
She introduced me to the guy, her boyfriend. We sat, chatted, and then they moved on. Next client.
I wandered down the hill, crossed a bridge, checked the PO Box for promised funds, which did arrive, and then I wandered on out to another coffee shop.
“Hi Kramer,” times three. Pisces, Taurus, Leo, Gemini. Four. Whatever.
On homeward, I noted a car, on the way to the bank. I was on the way to the bank, the car was just sitting there.
One of those would make a cool home.
Little fish before dinner. Jig pole. Jig. Fish.