Not put out for the general public

Not put out for the general public

The Sagittarius, not me, but the other one, she found the hot hook-up for cold cuts and such. I mean who else but the British can come up with something that wonderfully combines meat (roast beef) and pastry (beef Wellington).

She’d been shopping at Fortnum and Mason’s, and she talked the sales clerk into some kind of deal about product that “was not put out for the general public.”

Just think, purveyors to royalty, the titular heads of Europe – we got the goods. Feast on.

Back to that again, if Sister looks at naked women, it’s “art,” but if I look at naked females, it’s “porn.”

Tourist trip:
Visit the Tate Modern.

In delirium, there is madness:
Sister was explaining about being on BBC Radio, the first time, “They asked, ‘what are you going to do for Christmas?’ and I told them that me and my family were going to sit around and eat.” It’s what we do.

Sister is much better thanks, no doubt, to the dial-a-mood suppositories. There, stick that…

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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