Two-meat Tuesday

Two-meat Tuesday

1. Pizza box 2. “Buy now” button ->

1. Found this online, and all I could think of was, “Tasty!” How to shop. (Apple Store on Regent Street – I like that place.)

2. “Buy now” button ->
Hint: it’s to the right ->

The “100% Recycled post consumer waste” is a collection, cleaned up and typeset, with a fairly tacky cover, or nice cover, if you like fish, Dali, and London’s Big Ben. It’s short, just the material from the last year, 2004, from this web journal, all flowed into a typical book format. I didn’t assign it an ISBN, or, for that matter, did I put a lot of thought into design.

Sister loved it. But she’s an artist of the artistic (slightly psycho) Gemini persuasion. And at the time she was reading it, she was bed-ridden with a bug; therefore, her judgment might be a little suspect.

It’s not everything, and there are a couple of pages that don’t have a lot of material. But it answers a need, answers that artistic quest, and the process was good.

I’ve had three requests for the book so far, and that means it’s really not a bad idea. Certainly not a bestseller, and to be honest, nothing more than the more choice essays swiped off this page – but fun to see someone else “get it” when describing the artistic process. Or watching Sister read a section back.

I woke up, sucked up some coffee, and before the drugs began to take effect (antibiotics), I clicked through to the statistics page.

Search terms:
reqs: search term
—-: ———–
474: about
438: all
295: the
223: pisces
202: libra
199: sagittarius
191: scorpio
173: aries
172: virgo
164: gemini
160: capricorn
113: taurus
95: guide
94: love
93: cheat

Love those last few lines.

By file type:
reqs: %bytes: extension
—–: ——: ———
288: 7.56%: .mp3 [MP3 sound files>

That’s the weekly audio file, a little less than the usual 10% of bandwidth last month.

By “most viewed” sort:
The most popular pages, aside from the horoscope’s main page itself:

1. Funny hats mean business? (fish)
2. St. Barbara’s Day (fish)
3. 9/03 3 naked women (Dali)
4. Don’t make me come over there? (cat)

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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