I was poking through one of the sites this journal pings, and I came across a weird web log. The guy, I’m assuming, I didn’t delve too deep, had a list of characters. Included in the list was ex-girlfriends, some with pictures. Plus a little description of the relationship. some were frankly a little embarrassing. File it under too much information.
But it got me thinking, and that’s a dangerous turn of events. Between writing about signs for an upcoming horoscope, I fiddled around with an image. I was going to use a symbol to represent the ex-girlfriends.
No, see, in the past week, I’ve had at least two dreams about ex-lovers. Nothing pornographic, just clear and vivid images as well as narrative. Must be processing something, or, as the astute observer of astrological phenomena will note, Uranus is at 6 degrees of Pisces.
That’s setting up “uncomfortable in my own skin” energy. Only, me? I’m comfortable in my skin. Perhaps it’s a deeper, more profound change?
So the dreams were weird, and one bordered on an attack of some sort. I’ve got to quit dreaming about cheap motels, I’m trying to improve my image these days.
So between working on scopes and doing readings, and eating chicken-fried steak, and having a cup of coffee, I got thinking about an avatar, a thumbnail sketch for “the ex-girlfriends” – like that guy had on his web log.
Best one I could come up with? The Mud Flap Girl. But that’s been done to pieces, so I gave it a rest. Not, though, before I swiped several copies of it, tweaked them, exploded them, shrunk them, and came up with something I liked. I think this one’s been used before, something about a buddy of mine – whose name is not bubba – had it on his bumper sticker. (Guess not.)
I was going somewhere with this, but once I set out, I forgot what the destination was. Something about all my ex-girlfriends, and the anonymous nature – but I think the mud flap logo is good.
Very unrelated fish tales:
I waited until dusk, then I caught several. Really light tackle and line, just having a bit of fun. That big perch? I was sure it was bass when I saw it flash in the water, fought like one, and it was huge.