“Kramer, I swear…”
Scorpios, all about the same, right? “You look like a surfer dude, like from a past life. Wait, you’re from Austin? Maybe that’s this life.”
Close enough.
Booked up a workshop for late April in San Antonio. Free, no less.
Notes, for the workshop?
It’s an extension of the usual lecture, which has grown and mutated over the years, and the lecture has to be adjusted for audiences (and audience participation).
Last time, a little more than a week ago, I found the lecture – and the audience – kept stretching. So I figured we can try the workshop next. 3 hours, couple of breaks….
Off the shelf at the bookstore? I saw a cute reminder:
(Three wise women would have asked directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, cleaned the stable, made a casserole, brought practical gifts and there would be peace on earth.)
Notes from SA
One of my preferred traveling companions? Leon Metz’s Roadside History of Texas.
The Texas Post Oak Savannah – includes San Antonio. It’s a weird meeting place, a strange middle ground. At one time, it was the seat of the Spanish colonial missions, and then, a hundred years later, the seat of the Texas Revolution. That was influenced by the strong immigration from the Old South.
So it’s Old South meets the Wild West. Barely a hundred miles inland from the sea, no less, just to compound the equation.
Note from Twin Sisters