There’s just one tiny snag in the new software. I’m working on it.
In other news:
Someone is already over-clocking the mini-mac.
Cold Wednesday
Too cold for my liking.
Book notes:
It had, as might be expected, an innocuous start. I was trying to figure out how to put more books on the limited shelf space I’ve got. I came across a copy of a book, I’m guessing Sister gave it to me for Xmas, Imagined London.
I picked it up and was immediately captivated by the easy, slightly self-effacing style. Normally, I would be a little daunted by the display of a holographic-bibleographic recall of the Western Canon, as it pertains to literature and fiction set in London. But in the first chapters, there’s a walk she describes, and I made just such walk – and got lost like the author – and that interlude (real or fictional) hooked me.
The frequent use of quotes from various sources is a bit over the top. But it flows well enough. I was already underlining passages for quotes.
“Piccadilly Circus seems more important than it is mainly because of the street bustle its tortured topographical layout foments.” (pages 21-2)
London maps (via BBC).
Meal ticket:
I set out with great plans, late in the afternoon, but the biting cold wind greatly shortened my walk. I wound up at T-Gill’s and I encountered, among other, a Libra. At one time, this woman was the object of many of the waiters’ fantasies, or that’s the guess. The more prurient-minded males I’ve encountered usually had something to say. Get thy mind hence from the gutter, happily married mother of three, if I recall. But I don’t. Didn’t get much of a chance to chat. But Jupiter has the most amazing effect on Libra. How does one, me, politley say, “Putting ona little weight lately? No, darling, it looks good. got rid of that ‘bag o’ bones’ look.”
(Chicken-friend steak covered in queso, topped with fresh pico, green beans & bacon.)
Unrelated coffee notation:
Why I do beans, too.
Unrelated ‘pod note:
Wired is running a short piece about the number of ‘pods on the MS Campus in Redmond. “Like thew streets of … London” is part of the opening.
Priceless backward applause:
For the mini-mac.
Unfiled ideas:
West of Marfa? As a title? Or just where there’s a sign?