A colophon?
A frequent critique suggested that there was a missing page from the web site. A bio. A short “about” page, something linked from the web diary.
Plus tools used. The “I love my (insert software’s title here)” bit.
Bio? It was written by an editor, and it’s still is on the site. Oddly enough, the title to the link is, “About Kramer.”
I don ‘t think the bio’s been updated in half a dozen years. Might need to be spell-checked, for all I know.
The other stuff? It’s done on a Macintosh computer. I hand-coded the first site, and there are still bits of the original ASCII floating around on the site some where.
The scopes are served automatically at midnight, once a week, with a bit of Greg’s nifty programming. About three lines of code that delivered what was promised so many years ago.
After years with one serving company, I did a couple of client sites on Fatcow.com, and I liked the service. A merger and buy-out opened a door for me to seek a new server, and I’m glad I made the switch.
Other hardware pieces? I’ve got a cheap digital camera, and the way the Apple software works, I can plug in just about any camera – even the phone – and grab the digital images from that. I do little, if any, image editing these days – way too labor intensive. Maybe crop a shot, but that’s about it, and resize images for web work.
I had headshots from the last decade, all part of a media kit. Old news, though, if you ask me. But no one did.
For over year now, the weekly scope is accompanied by an audio file, served up in mp3 format. On a whim, I bought a copy of Apple’s GarageBand, and I accidentally recorded myself. So once a week, I piece together a recording about my take on the weekly planet influence. I didn’t save the first year because the sound files were huge, but this year, I’m hoping to have the whole batch on file for myself.
That’s the site’s colophon, I’m guessing, sort of a postscript.