File under a sure sign of the End Times:
I got a bill from a department store credit card the other day, and since I’ve been making electronic payments, and since those payments weren’t reflected in the last two statements, I was envisioning a long and nasty call to customer service to straighten out their mistake, correct the problem, and get my credit repaired. I just left envelope unopened over the weekend and I was tending to the accounting when I saw the ignored missive. Much to my happiness, they had already caught their mistake, and I was up-to-date. But what else fell into my hands? A receipt from last weekend, I bought a few items. Check out the total.

Bait cast reel & cranking stick.
Monday night
The radio station, asa it turns out, switched format. I got the message last weekend from the jock. Off the air, I’d made comment about the jocks wearing cowboy hats.
> You said something to her about “would he mind
> wearing a cowboy hat”. Well, the answer is “no
> problem”…Real 97.1 switched over today at noon and
> is now “97.1 Hank FM”…Hank plays anything country
> (as always….you’re spot on the $$ with your
> predictions)
So I’m suddenly free on Monday evening. Mercury is backwards.
I stopped downtown long enough to check my mail and grab a quick cup of coffee. The shoe shine guy gave me a once over and a long eye, I was wearing sandals, and I’m hoping – doesn’t look like the weather will cooperate – that I won’t have on boots again until next next fall.
Bet I’ll have to wear them in Ft. Worth, though, northeast Texas looks a might chilly yet.
In the Hideout, the owner (Leo) was manning the espresso machine. I had a short shot, and he asked if I was looking for a job.
“Err, eh, uh-hum, no, not really? Why?”
The story I got, if the right person asked, that person could have the job. But it would have to be the right person. Nice to know I could be the right person.
But I’d rather just do chart readings, really, it’s a lot more fun. I’d hate to lose my respect for the folks who make coffee by having to be good at it myself. I’ve got way too much respect for those who make the stuff than to do it myself.
No bragging rights:
Two hours of work, for one little fish. At least we got to the CPR entertainment portion of the evening. (Catch Photograph Release).

Required: new Whole Foods entry
Seems like everyone is doing it, a review of the new whole foods at 6th and Lamar.
Not being one to pander to popular tastes, I was going to do a review, but if that necessitated actually setting foot inside the store? I’m not so sure I could do it.
Book People, the largest independent bookstore in Texas, Waterloo Records, Amy’s Ice Cream, are all located right there. I can’t recall all the details, and I’m not about to dig them up again, but the corner was empty, slated for development, then the anchor pulled out, and the place sat empty for years. Finally, Whole Foods stepped up and built a grand edifice, the true home to Whole Foods World Headquarters.
Only, I’m sort of not too impressed. Could be me.
We were staying at my folks place in Big D, some time last summer. If I recall, and I might not have the facts straight, but what I remember was my buddy’s wife wanted some “pink sugar.” I don’t know the brand name, but whatever it was, I figured a Whole Foods, just down the street? Surely they’d have it. They didn’t. They did have any number of alternative, all-natural sweeteners, but no real fake sugar. Kind of annoying help, too, if I recall.
So can I write a review of place I’ve not been to? Sure. In keeping with the mainstream way of doing business, I can talk about the chocolate enrobing station, a literal fountain of chocolate. Although, I’m sure that Mi Tierras in San Antonio has some better chocolate available, right over the counter. More pure. Only three ingredients, cocoa beans, cane sugar and cinnamon.
The place looks nice, and I know several folks employed there. That’s the good part, I guess. But it’s not like, a place where I’m going to hang out. A little too pricey.
“Whole Foods? More like ‘whole paycheck,’ if you ask me.”
But no one did.