But seriously folks

“We’ll be here all week, tip your wait persons.”

I was cruising along in the morning, just clicking on a few news items, monitoring the site’s traffic, and waiting on coffee to kick in.

I looked up a patron saint of something, which led to another patron saint, and a future link, which then led to the the Patron Saint of Texas, according to the Catholic database.

Now, this is all before the coffee kicked in. So my thinking might have been a little muddy, like the viscous brew I was slurping.

“Blessed Virgin,” Patron Saint of Texas? It’s a her, why is is called patron, same root as patriarchy, isn’t it? Implies a male thing?

The coffee has caught up. Never mind. Still, just odd to me, the nativity for her darling son was probably around the same time (of year, 1800 years earlier) as the birth of Texas.

But never mind that now:
The last couple of days, a portion of downtown Austin has been occupied with film crews. I asked at one coffee shop, I mean, of all the people in the world, the help there really should know, being better informed and closer to the street than anyone else, I figured. I figured wrongly, too. Nope, no clue.

A customer in line, in line behind an obvious road hand (gaffer, key grip, roadie, &c.) submitted that it was a movie called “Revolver,” starring Sara, or maybe Sharon, or some other name I didn’t immediately recognize.

One of the guys behind the counter dashed outside with quarters rattling in his grip. Moments later, he was back, muttering about movies that take up all the good parking. He got a ticket. Really shouldn’t do that to a Scorpio.

“Man, I missed it by less than 30 seconds, and they got me.”

image Different stops, no more filming, or so it seems, and an all-Gemini afternoon. Three different baristas, two stops, and all Gemini. That”s just a coincidence, I’m sure.

Along the Shoal Creek trail, by the power planet, there was lavender in full bloom.

“But the picture’s not lavender.”

So the lavender pictures didn’t turn out. Most of the pictures didn’t turn out. Just one.

I think it’s just a weed, like poppy or something, but there was a row of this with a rust-colored iron fence as a background.

“Concrete and steel” by ZZ Top.

Ducks in a row:
(no picture, sorry) – Every evening, last three evenings, I’ve been fishing around sundown. And every evening, last three evenings, a (I’m assuming) momma duck goes by with a almost a dozen little ducks behind her. THe first night, some of the chicks were whitish, but by the second and third pass, all of them were bright yellow, just like the little rubber duckies everywhere. I don’t know what kind of duck it is, it’s a duck, you know, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck. I just thought it was cool to see the little yeller fellers, for real.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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