More pictures of fish (CPR):
Can’t tell by the phone cam picture, but the tiny one is actually a ‘Warmouth,’ every bit as rambunctious as its larger bro.
That one bass was annoying. Healthy buck, tide was out, and he and a buddy kept circling a stump, and they both kept avoiding bait dangled right in front of them. Sight fishing – if we can see them? They can see us. I finally tricked him, but it was a chore. That’s a lot of work with a light pole, for just few minutes’ fight.
Unrelated (1):
I picked this up from a noted poet, and a mighty fine Leo, all about a PETA I’m enamored of: Poets for the Ethical Treatment of Artists (link).
Unrelated (2):
A note about “Eco-Porn”, whatever that is.
Unrelated (3):
“Job happiness is directly proportional to the distance you are from the home office.”
(The character John Corey in Nelson DeMille’s The Lion’s Game. NY: Warner Books, 2000. page 295.)
Semi-related (3.a):
Job happiness is directly related to the amount of time spent enjoying fishing.
Semi-related (3.b):
Moved Satruday’s fishing to Sunday.
Unrelated (4):
Creek water is still cold, but felt nice for an afternoon swim – Barton Pool was closed.
Unrelated (5):
At least six miles and numerous “hellos” on the trail. I stopped and chatted with one lad, former tenant, we stopped in the middle of the trail, “Yeah, don’t worry Kramer, those shorts? No place to carry a weapon.” He grinned.
Unrelated (6):
Unrelated (7):
I made one (or two) minor adjustments to the scopes’ template. Wasn’t anything big, and I thought I’d mention it here. Except that it’s the sniffer for older browsers, and I realized that older browsers can’t even read the weblog, so, like, what’s the point? When I checked the stats last night, for March, looks like 500 hits from older browsers. Out of almost 300,000 hits? Should I even bother? (Well, yes, I will, as it’s already set up and I don’t have to meddle with a thing.)
Unrealted (8):
Sagittarius. Lots of them. All over the place. Even another 11/28, “Good looking in an odd way, intelligent, odd sense of humor…”
(A little positive PR never hurts.)