really got it, I hope it turned out….

Home sweet home
“Some writers take longer than necessary to say things.” (Ma Wetzel doesn’t claim I have that problem, and I looked at my father, and I didn’t say a thing. Not a problem with me, according to my wee Scorpio mum.)
When I rolled out of Dallas, the weather ticker said the temp in Ft. Worth was 36. At 10 in the morning? Same ticker was reading 63.
Rolled into Ft. Worth early for the load-in. I was greeted by a number of signs:

Gun Show
I was trying to find a place where both signs were side by side, as we’re next to each other. Doesn’t bother me, but some of the folks are littlle nervous.
The road to Ft. Worth?
Alternatively, the long and winding road that leads to, uh, where was this going?
Before I was ever out the door, I was going to pull together the first part of this year’s audio files, and dump them on a CD for my dear, sweet (wee) Scorpio mum. Which made me realize that Mercury is backwards, and it would probably help if I dated the audio entries, like say when it was for. Just a thought, but then, it’s not like I have lot of experience in the audio arena. Yet. But back o the road again….
The things I do. I reserved a car, via their agents, and when I showed up, the perky Virgo behind the counter said I was early, like a day early.
Still, being the kind and patient soul that I am, she did get it sorted out. I was stuck with no upgrade, no bonus or anything like that, in a subcompact. A sub-sub-compact. A very tiny car. I have a suitcase that’s probably bigger than the car.
Away I went. A client had a special errand in Austin, and since I was on the road, could I please look into this matter? Just a slight detour through East Austin, out this country road, then down this dirt road, and the instructions got a little muddled. I realize that first sign of danger should’ve been “you turn off the pavement at,” and I’m not kidding. Outside the city limits, an agricultural worker who didn’t speak much, if any, English. Potholes in the road, possibly potholes big enough, conceivably, to swallow that little car completely.
Mission accomplished, I turned the little car around and motored off towards Dallas and Fort Worth.
I made good time, less than two hours to cover 120 miles, but I hit the Ft. Worth city limits, and things started to slow down. Two hours to go 120, or more, and 2 hours to go from loop 820 to Bass Pro Shop, maybe 30 miles. Friday afternoon rush hour. I forgot how much fun big cities can be.
When the rubber mets the road, there’s a rhythm that gets established, and after sitting in that car for several hours, a another half hour delay in traffic didn’t bother me. It sure upset some folks, though. that was almost as much fun to watch, just a like a scene from a movie, keep changing lanes and the other lane inches ahead faster. Works every time.
I was wearing shorts when I left Austin, plus an orange Hawaiian shirt over a purple Wagner’s Ring T-shirt. Perfectly normal in Austin. Stopping along the way, though, I realized that it was getting chilly, and then, I noticed that I was possibly a little oddly dressed, for the Bucks in Waco, or was it a Wal-Mart in Temple? I don’t rightly recall, just the odd looks.
“Hey, no problem, I’m from Austin.”
April Fool notes:
This worried me. (link)
“I know you’re broken up that you can’t fish this weekend, but we can arrange for something in our swimming pool.”
In Apple news, Jobs to IKEA.
Win a free iPod.
Not unlike my own living will.
Intriguing, how to get fired?