I’ve heard about it for years, I just never realized that it was such a big deal. Fiesta in San Antonio.
What is it, really?
“It’s a big drink-a-thon!”
I tried to tie up with any historical or religious holidays, couldn’t find much that was significant.
So for a week or ten days, it’s party time in San Antonio. If I’m working here next year, I’ve got schedule around it – way around it.
Night In Old San Antonio is part of it, and I’ve heard much about this, so I got to go. Not sure I want to repeat the experience, a hot evening in April, surrounded by thousands of people in varying degrees of intoxication and/or heavy inebriation.
Food items. Music was a little weak, but there was this one kid, on an old squeezebox, his teacher pushed him up in front of the crowd, and that kid, eventually, will go places. I hope. It’s the guitar solo. Squeezebox style.
Some comment from the stage, about how the accordion was brought over from Germany. Made me think….