Feeds and so forth

Feeds and so forth.

Tech issues. Yeah, and fish.
So it’s Monday morning, and I was thinking about addressing the feeds issue, hooking up the RSS and so forth, because, it works, I just don’t have the right switch flipped some place.

I went down to the lake to check on the spawning buddies, ran back, fetched up a crawdad looking thing. Teased but didn’t get a bite. I switched to a cotton-candy worm, and there was a hit.

As I transfered the picture to the computer, I found another picture, left over from Sunday.

Two-fer-one on Monday’s images?

image image

Psychic Sunday
Went to the sweet “Casa de Pisces,” had us some brunch, then I wound up in a very comfortable setting, the kitchen table. So I sat there and flipped up tarot cards all afternoon while everyone else got to enjoy a few franks on the grill, and some truly evil “pumpkin dip,” which, in all honesty, I think was nothing more than pumpkin pie, just without the shell. Good stuff.

Wandered on home, and with undue urging, followed a suggesting and wet a line.

Nice little Black Bass to end the day.


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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