Mom’s Day, ’05
Just the pictures.

Misc. images
Just the odd bits.

Happy Mother’s Day – one more, for the road.
One more GD allusion, “What a long, strange trip it’s been.”
Or, like the T-shirt, the other night? It said it perfectly well, “In Dallas, it’s called sushi, in Ft. Worth, it’s called bait.”
I walked in the parents’ bungalow, and Pa Wetzel was addressing Ma Wetzel, who was stretched out in a yoga position, that, to me looks like a position called “the nap.”
“Some one is here to see you,” he said.
She mumbled something about being on the ground, and finally looked up.
Much happiness all around.
Rhetorical question, food? Why does it always revolve around food? Anyway, after I ate, I made up an excuse to leave.
I wandered off into the cool night’s air, purportedly to hit the big Bass Pro Shop, but really? I was supposed to (secretly) fetch up Sister from the big airport.
However, before departing, no, I’m not making this up, “Kramer I really would feel better if you found something you liked at the Bass Pro shop.”
Scorpio mom.
Sister got in, and oddly enough, I did allow enough time to run by the fishing store and get some new plastic worms. Plus some items that will either be good for fishing, or maybe, good as earrings.
I did get lost at the airport. I allowed enough time, so it wasn’t, like, a big deal. But I did get lost. Un-lost myself, grabbed Sister, made the trip back to the bungalow,

“If you go now, I’ll take a bath and put on my pajamas.” (Sister to Ma.)
“I don’t want to take a bath now, you’re both here.”
Some things just never change.