Nap time

Nap time: I always imagine my Sister, even at her age, like a little child, “But I’m not tired yet,” as her eyes droop shut.

There’s that analytical element that runs through the family as well, the immediate family, and then there’s the previously alluded to nap element.

Pa Wetzel, as he’s advanced in the years, found himself getting very tired. His doctor told him to take a nap, one in the morning, one on the afternoon. Prescribed it, even. So in his case, it was doctor ordered. I just figure, the doctor was applying common sense to situation that Pa Wetzel saw differently. But it was suggested by the doctor.

Ma Wetzel, as enumerated by Sister, time and again, will frequently check out while reading the paper. Sister’s favorite story is about a recent Xmas encounter, “Mom was asleep under the paper, she woke up, asked if we needed her for anything, then went back to her reading. With her eyes closed.” Sunday afternoon, Ma Wetzel dozed under the Sunday paper. How appropriate.

There are time when I feel like I’m the most rational member of the family. When I take a nap, I do so because I’m tired, or just because I desire a little rest. No excuses.

“But I’m not tired!”

She woke up, and Sister was regaling us with tales from the adventuresome life of being a (temporary) residency at a UC school, resident artist at some Left Coast Theater, and, best of all, the Divorce Monologues. It’s a works in progress, “and then I was fitting this diaphragm,” I guess you had to be there.

So, in the San Francisco opera, “See, there’s these puppets, and they tell the whole plot, and I’ll have the part of the puppet.”

Or, as more plot was revealed, I liked the part where she was talking about this character finding himself in bed with an animated skeleton.

Scorpio tales: about understanding Modern Art:

“To be a good Christian, you have to be a good Jew.”

“So you have to be a good Christian to understand Modern Art?” Sister asked.

“No, that’s not the syllogism, to be a good Christian, you have to be a good Jew. To understand modern art, you have to understand the old masters.”

Sister continued, “So to reiterate, you have to be a good Christian to understand modern art?”

“No,” Ma Wetzel continued, and looked at me typing away, “eeww! I’m going to write to the people who publish this stuff!”

Kramer Wetzel
P.O. Box 684516
Austin, TX 78768

Sister’s address is someplace on her website.

Unrelated goodies:
How Lightsabers work.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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