I collect some strange stuff.
[style=floatpicright][/style]Whether it’s a link about a Mexican painter, backed up with a tech note about the worst food for keyboard, or if it’s a picture of Brussel Sprouts as the dining option for supper?I have no idea how any of this is connected. Sometimes, I wonder if it’s not all just really random.

Off work.
Quick sex note? Sex habits of the far right?
I don’t know, I caught that early sunday morning before breakfast.
Some days, it doesn’t change.
I don’t know the correct name for the situation, but one of the readers, a coworker, so to speak, she’s a lesbian. we share similar tastes in women. So she was threatening to bare a breast for my pleasure. Only, as I suggested, it’s just not an experience I desire.
“It’s so hard to be nice, two days in a row,” (Scorpio snickered).
Long and weird. Not weird bad, just long and weird. I’ll be interested in seeing what the fallout is from Uranus and Mars.
Other interesting – to me – tidbit? Watching the same people, working with them, watching hair gradually frost, turning gray at the temples.