Just a couple of pictures. That’s all. Nothing to see here, move along.

Weird statistics?
Just a casual glance at the stats for the site and the subscriptions, see, way back when I first got into this business, then again, years later, according to a New York editor/publisher, I was told that 80% of the folks who read horoscopes are female. Here? I’m seeing about 55-45 split, but that’s just based on names in the subscription rolls.
Look up rhetorical question. Good stuff. I’d forgotten most of those terms.
Unrelated copyright notices?
I’m not entering the “creative commons” copyright fray. I just stick a ‘circle c’ on my work, and I don’t worry about it. But I have to admit, as Fredlet pointed out, I’m pleased when other steal ideas from me. I don’t worry about it – at all. I’ve got a unique style, plus I tend to shy away from conventional wisdom.
So the rhetorical question is, “You shy way from all wisdom?”
Ah well, yes, there you have it.
Inbox goodness:
> I so enjoy your weekly horoscopes, that right now, I can’t think of any bonus
> that would be better than that.
> P.S. And for an American, ton français est très bien. Je suis impressionnée!
> Merci encore
> Any suggestions for a feature or bonus that you would like to see?
> I already view the entire site itself as a “bonus feature”.
Here at FGS World HQ, we always to please.
I took a quick swim, wandered up to meet some clients in a typical South Austin venue, did my usual prognostications, then, as I was addressing one person, I got the come back, “It’s not like you’re not weird, either.” Or something to that effect.
I walked back to the creek, took another dip, wandered home and grabbed a pole, after a detour downtown. Caffeine, in hand, I went back to fishing. A little writing, a little fishing, a little reading, and just for once, there is a content solitude in life.
An off-the-cuff comment got me thinking, or can it be “off the cuff” if you’re in a sleeveless shirt? So anyway, if I were making a trip to New York City, as they call it, “The City,” what’s one thing I would do? I think I’d do the Empire State Building. Or, more important to me? MOMA. But that’s just me.
Cherechez les poisson:

Tiny fish du jour?