Gratuitous reminder: the details about travel & appearances are .
(Looking for something else, I found the correct .
Friday the 13th, part two?
[style=floatpicleft][/style]Cherchez les poissons? I was going to say, “that was weird,” but to be honest, it was a perfectly normal afternoon. Worked in the morning, walked around on the trail, came home and fished, caught a couple of small guys, and wanted to retire early. I had conversation with a guy fishing, under one of the bridges, and we sapped tales, tall tales, and “secret spots,” but there’s just something nice about being in a situation wherein one can fish, oh, say, maybe 300 days a years.
So it’s not a big fish, the only really unlucky event was the fish I caught before this one, I reached for the handy phone (cam) and it was still sitting on the charger.
Maybe my luck will be better today. At work. Hope so. There’s a good moon on the rise.
From the “If you made it this far” department:
I’ve got a couple of design questions, and rather than posting links with examples, I’ll just describe what I’ve seen. On one site, it was a simple navigation bar, across the top. Little logo, little splash, company name, and so forth. Then there were maybe a half dozen buttons right underneath it. It was like, products, home, contact, blog, and news.
I liked the look. I like the simpler interface. I like easy design that places an emphasis on content, and something that makes navigation simple. So I thought about breaking out a separate section, and delineate between “news” and “blog,” which, I guess, for lack of better description, is what this is. I’m pretty sure there are a large number “guests” who could care less about whatever pictures of fish I’ve got. Tough. There are also a a couple of guys who not only want to know about the fish, but more specific information, like time, tide, conditions, and most important, what were the fish hitting? What baits worked?
For me, it all runs together, here. When I’m fishing, I’m thinking about (insert sign here), or when I’m writing, I’m thinking about (insert bait here) or when I’m walking, I’m thinking about a topic that sounds a lot like something I was writing about earlier.
On another site, I regretted that there wasn’t more to it, and I was sorry that the text was limited to a single, narrow column of fixed width (I’m guessing, maybe 500 pixels wide), but the only other option, besides a bare header with the title? Maybe a half dozen buttons off to the right-hand side. Again, a simple interface. Although, I think the text area should be proportional, not fixed, and I think the buttons could’ve been a little larger. It’s not like 15-inch notebook screen is that large, but I’d like to see a more fluid display for the textual matter.
Finally, it’s back to that one question, again, about breaking the scopes down to individual signs. Certainly increase my hits. Add a bandwidth problem by factor of 12, not to mention the hassles associated with the production mechanics.
The flip side of the “12 versus 1,” and why I like the single column in its present format? The layout that has either either a header and adverts on the side? Or a three-column design?
What’s better? What’s easier, combining back-end tech and visual appeal. Plus some marketing? Where’s the balance?
Here’s an idea: send me links of designs that you really like.