Just amazing. Littlest guy in a while (I really think it’s girl, but who knows?)

Rejected horoscopes
Ever wonder about the editorial process?
“(Sun Sign): I saw an ad for Australia. Nice, beaches, multi-colors, a palm tree I think, the usual stuff that goes into a shiny advertising slick, and the copy included ‘AA Coupon.’ Not that I would let my personal world-view be influenced by my own experiences, but when I saw ‘AA Coupon,’ I thought for sure that it was a blurb for a certain 12-Step program for people who drink too much.
“Just seemed to fit, but once again, I’m merely drawing on my own adventures. Plus a little nod to a certain entry in the my own terms of service for the website.”
That’s where I had to stop. Sort of glad I did.
Let’s talk travel, m’kay?
Two trips that don’t show up on the “professional” schedule?
I’m going fishing. down on the coast. Take a little time off because, frankly, June looks insane to me. Back to back working weekends with teaching a workshop in between, and still running the usual material through the site. Grinding out a weekly column. So I’ll slide on out of here on Thursday evening, headed towards the Gulf Coast.
Unrelated inbox goodies:
> Your site, on the other hand, is probably accessible by some guy with an
> Atari on the far side of Pluto.
Cherchez les (petite) poissons:

(more like bait)
“But you have heard of me?”