My internal alarm clock got me up before the regular alarm clock. Might’ve been the thunder and lightening, too. Or a hungry cat. It’s not like she misses any meals, either.
I corrected a typo on yesterday’s entry, then I looked around on the web, no real news, for me. But there was a curious item in my own stats: at 6 AM, more than a dozen guests were looking at the web journal.
It was 6 in the morning. On a Saturday. This doesn’t involve sex or fishing, what were those people doing at that hour? I can only hope that they were still up from the night before, unlike me, just getting up to go to work.
Best search string?
I’m not kidding, straight from the log files:
“interesting places on uranus”
Wonder what these people are thinking? There was more than one occurrence of that search string.
I should do something from the Mars Hotel with Mars and Uranus in conjunction today.
“Did you know that the (local paper) wouldn’t run our ad because they said they didn’t do psychics?”
Which is odd, considering an astrology column runs in that same paper, every day.
What sort of other disruptions can happen? The hotel? I’m used to, for free, having wireless net access. I don’t pay for it, I just absorb bandwidth on the 802.x spectrum. The network was down. It’s not like I can complain about a free service.
Fashion notes and astrology?
I was wearing a pair of home-made earrings, hammered-nickel #3 willow blades, like a colorado blade from a spinner bait. Pair of them, in fact. I kept getting Pisces for readings. Coincidence? Fish lure earrings, Pisces readings? I think so.