21 days on the road

21 days on the road.

Musical accompaniment? Cory Morrow’s “21 days on the road,” which just seemed fitting.

[style=floatpicleft>image[/style>What’s one thing that everyone has to do in San Antonio? Go to the Alamo (drafthouse). To see a movie. And have dinner. While in San Antonio.

It’s not very complicated, and while it’s okay, it’s not quite as good as the Alamo Drafthouse in my backyard. There seemed to be on extra step in the whole process, something that was missing from original’s organic feeling. Food was good, film was certainly entertaining. But there’s a sense that the original Alamo in Austin is better.

But that could be me – I might be wrong.

Unfortunate fashion decisions?

Does blue eye shadow go with a pierced eyebrow?

Some how, I got to SA without a change of clothes. Toothbrush, toothpaste, but no change of clothes. Does it look bad? Probably.

“You can have all the hidden agendas you want, as long as they don’t interfere with my hidden agenda.”

“The solution to any problem is implicit in its definition,” Ellen’s First Rule.

Astrofish dot net, SA Slang for “Go Spurs Go.”
I’m typically not a big sports fan. But I’m in SA about once a month for work, and the writing about the Spurs, as of late, has caught my literary eye. Sports writing usually catches my literary ire, but the stuff pouring out seems to be pretty good. With apologies to the advertising copywriter.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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