Forging alliances

“Othello torn between his faith in the celestial Desdemona and the obscene suggestions of the demonic Iago.” (page 33 – from Will of the world: how Shakespeare became Shakespeare.)

That partial sentence sparked a minor riot in my brain, thinking about the comment alongside a critical, scholarly analysis of Lonesome Dove, so in Othello, Desdemona, Othello and Iago, Id, Super Id and Ego? No, that’s not right, maybe I’ve got the order all wrong. I knew should’ve taken better notes back in that advanced psych class.

Ah crap, more on podcasting, which certainly isn’t new around here.

Anyway, back on topic:
Forging an alliance is important, even in day-to-day transactions. Friday, Thursday, some time last week, a newspaper reporter called me for a quote about Mac computers (& the intel question). Like that’s any kind of news, but the referral came from a certain lass who is as cute as a button and works in a certain coffee shop.

My quote, or the reporters very brief observation about me, was that I’m the kind of guy who makes note of the number of Apple laptops in coffee shop, soaking up wireless and caffeine. Today’s count? Close to a dozen Apples and one Dell, but that could be me, I’m not scientific. But I did ask why I was referred to the reporter.

“Dude, Kramer, man, I thought you’d like her, you know,” said the cutest of the coffee girls.

All about alliances.

Audio tid-bit: Snoop versus Led Zep. Well, maybe that link will work again. It was fun.

Another audio tid-bit, maybe this link will work better, Pink Floyd reunited.

From the “Weird stats” department:
Greater than 80% of the site’s traffic is from “direct request,” as in, either bookmark in a browser or typing the name into the browser. After that? The highest pointer is Horoscopes 4 U, weighing in at a mere 1.76%.

From the archeology department:
(Or tabloid journalism, I’m not sure which) comes this little story that will shake up our pre-history European history. Native American?

Cherchez les poisson:
He ain’t big, but he’s something. Lots of fight. Nice, tiny bass. Monday morning’s fish:


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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