Small website changes

Small website changes?

Improvements. Always looking for new ideas.

I did a form letter to most of the paid subscribers and as each monthly payment cycled through, I copy and pasted the note to the individual subscribers.

About three-quarters of the subscribers didn’t respond. Almost one quarter changed e-mail addresses or the mail bounced. But a small percentage responded with an overwhelming approval and frequently, no suggestions at all.

But there’s always one.

That one was, in my mind, pretty damn good.

The way I read the suggestion, the nugget of information I gleaned, was about making a suggestion for a course of action, like a generic “homework” assignment. Some suggested course of action that would help. A mantra, a meditation, a method of dealing with the current astrology weather. Hint: something a little more than a quote from Shakespeare’s secular canon.

When looking through the site’s access log, the bulk of the traffic hits last week’s scope. The free one. Subscriptions go through to the subscriber side, and then there’s the web diary traffic. It seems to be completely unrelated to the scopes. While this log only accounts for a fraction of the traffic, the weblog directory “” now accounts for almost a two-thirds of the traffic, by volume.

Works two ways, I’ve got blog readers and then scope readers. There doesn’t seem to be much crossover traffic, and from the informal poll, that seems to be the case.

Maybe I’m reading the stats wrong, too. “Don’t make me no never mind, no how,” as we say around here.

I’m rather grateful for that one suggestion. I’m working on it. I was typing up a script to read for next week’s audio file, and what I figured? That would be the best place to start.

It’s all about being able to scale the work. The work force, the “astrofish dot net” team, as it were, consists of one person and one cat. The cat’s on salary. I have to fend for myself. Odd, a quick review of the contents of the pantry, the single cupboard in this place? A crate of cat food and some canned tuna. Plus a little leftover chocolate. The ice box also has a bunch of live bait, but never mind that part now.

Not much in the people food department. Not that it matters. What does matter has to do with stylistic suggestions for some element that could be added to the scopes., Especially for the “value-added” section. So I think I’ll give it a spin.

That’s the beauty of thinking small.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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