Vegas, part whatever

Vegas, part whatever.

Two Meat Tuesday

Not much to report. I was up, I was down, I’m in the hole, but not by much. Best image?

On the “Zodiac” slot machine?

“Out of order.”

I’ll get picture when I’m able.

Off to Margaritaville to meet Bubba for lunch, I hope.

Vegas, part II
Birthday dinner for Bubba. Next to the Bass Pro Shop.

Which turned into an arduous journey homeward, for some of us.

[style=floatpicleft>image[/style>The place where the Bass Pro shop is located is way far off the beaten path for some of us, i..e., it’s not on the strip. I paid for a cab ride over. I paid for a cab ride back, and after many years of talking about this, I paid for dinner, too.

Then, the cab ride? Dropped us at Paris. Fond memories of that place. I lingered in the casino for just a few moments, enough time to turn $10 into $50 (penny slots, work with me here, I’m not that adventurous – I live like a monk.)

Wander down the corridor, underground, into Balley’s lose some of that back, then off down the strip towards a few other places, winning it all back, plus maybe $20 at the Flamingo. I still need to win enough at the Flamingo, one day, for a nice Hawaiian shirt.

From there, it was over to the Mirage, and that was the lucky break for the night, up and down, and always a bit even, I hit a – get this a penny machine – for major jackpot of some kind, and when I cashed in the chit? $100.

Doing this on penny slots? It’s a lot of work. I knew it was time to retire for the evening when the machine started saying, and I’m not making this up, this is what I heard, the slot machine said, “More cowbell.”


Not married at the Bass Pro Shop in Vegas, under a canopy of fishing poles, by Elvis.

Not married at the Bass Pro Shop in Vegas, under a canopy of fishing poles, by Elvis.

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, “The first step, don’t be anxious, Nature controls all” (Book 8, #5).

Or, like the Taurus flight attendant?

“You don’t need to be nervous,” sudden turbulence, “just scared.”

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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