reductio ad absurdum

I was going to play with the Latin phrase, and turn it into “lettuce and absurd,” but I’m not sure the joke will carry forward. Obscure humor is one thing, my humor is a little out-of-touch with reality. I might be, too, but I don’t think that’s the question.

Perfect days:
Summertime days, when it’s too hot except for the stupid crepe myrtle, are just perfect for me. I finished up writing, took a call from a client/friend, and I wound up on the phone for more than an hour, “Look, I’ll pay you, just throw some (tarot) cards, okay?” means I had to step back inside the trailer and work. Another call, another denial that I got married in Las Vegas (at the Bass Pro Shop, under canopy of fishing poles, by Elvis). Then I fed my friend in the creek a few more worms. Caught a tiny fish. I’m thinking, Monday and Friday are bass days, Thursday? Sunfish and Sandy’s.

I stopped someplace along my route and took a picture a of a newspaper headline, “Mad Cow traced to Waco.” I can’t even make this stuff up.

Inbound mail & answer:
> Dear Mr. Wetzel;
> A couple of weeks ago (or more), you sent an e-mail inquiring what aspects of
> the website were found useful. Sorry I failed to respond in a timely manner
> but better late than never.
> Since I was not aware that an audio weekly forecast was available, your e-mail
> was quite useful as I now listen to it.
> I think you should let users send in music suggestions for the background and
> you could pick whatever best fits the particular forecast. For example, if
> there was an impending Mars/Pluto square, perhaps Death Metal would be
> appropriate. Or, how about a Venus/Jupiter trine? Your call but maybe “Money”
> by the Beatles would be a safe bet.
> In any case, I do enjoy reading, and listening to what you have to say.
> Have a safe and sane weekend.

In the year and half that I’ve been doing the audio recording, I’ve sampled one, maybe two songs, and I kept those bits so short no one recognized the lick. And when it’s all over? Gone. Which is just as well, if you ask me.

Now, I really like that idea, of the subscribers picking the music. Or selecting a musical background that reflects the transits. That’s cool. There’s a serious little flaw, though, and it has to do with rights, copyrights, broadcast legal terms I’m not familiar with, and I once crossed swords with BMI/ASCAP, the music police, and I’m not about to do that again. I won that time, but it was a gray area.

I can make musical suggestions, and I often do, but once again, I won’t be streaming anything off the site that I don’t a full and legal right to use, i.e., ipso facto, and to wit, my voice (and the tracks included royalty free with the software I use).

But I so do welcome suggestions like this one.

Final thoughts:
I could try singing on the weekly audio clip. Nope, never mind, belay that point.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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