Movie time

Brothers Grimm and Dukes of Hazzard?

Fairy Tales:
The last time I looked, the critics were bad-mouthing the big-budget, high-flying “The Brothers Grimm” movie. All I could recall was that the critical mass of people-in-the-know suggested it wasn’t that good of a film. Which only means I liked it that much more. Brothers Grimm. Fairy Tale. Want to bet they all live happily ever after? On hot afternoon in San Antonio? Good escape. Live happily ever after.

Worked for me. But a mainstream blend of myth and fantasy, plus some old school fairy tales?

More modern fairy tales:
Part of what worked for me, remember, my antecedents here, I’m a white boy who was raised on the “Southern Guitar Armies” of Skynyrd and their ilk, plus I’d have to consider ZZ Top to be one of the best bands – ever – so consider what came first and this is a simple situation wherein a historical perspective makes all the difference.

I laughed and enjoyed myself all the way through the movie. it wasn’t high-brow art. It barely qualifies as low brow. There were one or two musical licks I didn’t get immediately. But as a whole, it was a laugh a minute. Something about car chases, and Burt Reynolds, and the evil doers getting a come-uppance?

Plus, and this was a big one, Willie Nelson delivering one bad joke right after another. I’m sure some critic someplace will claim Saint Willie didn’t do any acting. Who cares? Girls, guns, fast cars, and the General Lee, flying through the air, like it’s supposed to.

On a hot afternoon in San Antonio? Perfect escape. Absolutely loved the movie.

A sure of the Apocalypse
Perhaps I live in an insular world, but with Katrina threatening to blow away my upcoming plans, I’ve got to wonder.

Pink Floyd. Animals. In a store? Like, as product? Being sold to a generation, unsuspecting – or even aware – of the original meaning?


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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