Running and Gunning

[style=floatpicleft>ffban[/style> Traveling with family, it was Sister first: “Hey, look at this: when it rains it snows, doesn’t it?” Looks like rain today. Around here, I’m not sure if that’s a surprise.

Watching a little tiny corner of Seattle wake up – I’m still on Central time, so it’s the middle of the day – to me. But here, it’s early morning. There’s the pronounced Northwestern accent, at least, I’m starting, after a day, to get some semblance of a hint about the accent.

And the average coffee here is better than most of the coffee in Texas. I thought about that over a tiny cup of very smooth espresso at some local chain. Not a Starbucks kind of a chain, just a couple of hole-in-the-wall places. My Texas stickers are treated with deep suspicion, seeing as how I don’t look like anyone out of the ordinary around here.

I’ve got to make it to the top of the Space Needle, too. Just have to. Make it up there before I make it to the top of the tower in San Antonio. Just fitting.

Pre-Opera notes:
“Kill the wabbit! Kill the wabbit!!”

(Sister’s version of getting ready for the opera.)

Die Walkure:
For someone who doesn’t understand it all, I rather enjoyed the show. Couple of long, textually heavy (plot) parts in the second part. Worked well.

Sister was all teary-eyed. She cried when they fell in love, she cried when they were rent asunder, she cried when the god said good-bye to the demoted god-child.


“Oh the one I saw in Germany, they camped it up some.”

“Yeah, and the idea that Brunhilda is now a housewife. Or she will be.”

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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