
And possibly unlettered, but I suppose that’s a horse of a different cantor.

New planet?
Well, as a professional, I can always use this as a new excuse.

Go and jump off a bridge?
Right off the Lamar Pedestrian Bridge, and almost daily spot for me, right?

All right, the funny part? Early that very day three young urban youths invited me to jump off a different bridge with them. I declined. “But the water’s, like 12 feet deep!”

The water’s, like, 5 feet deep. Dude. Two cops on bicycles admonished the youths that it was illegal.

At least, I’m an expert, do as I say, not as I do.

Alley Cats:
Nice pcitures with text.

I started, years ago, a database of quotes that meant something to me. They show up these days in my horoscopes, here, conversation, and as tag line at the end of e-mail. The old database file is called :quotidian,” and its roots go back to something that mentioned in passing by a lit prof. I took the idea and ran with it, as would fit my own, peculiar idiom. In part, some of the various disclaimers that appear at the top of the main pages, those are drawn from a similar source. Now, here’s a concise version on what a commonplace book is all about. Roots. perhaps, to what we do on the web.

“Each small event in life has a meaning, he thought, each event connects us to the web of life. Strands of the past return to haunt us; the past is never dead.”
From Alburquerque by Rudolfo Anaya. NY: Warner Books, 1992.

File under “Did I mention it was silly season” (with Mercury backwards)?
Questions to ponder.

Cherchez le poisson:
Not what I was targeting, but at least, it is a fish. Looks better in the water.


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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