Free speech

Liberal comedian sues web writer?

In-bound mail:
Not an explanation, just observations, three, then four items floated to the top. It’s like the recent rain, washes trash into the river and some organic material drifts to the surface. My recent stack of incoming held, a Bass Pro catalog, the New Yorker Magazine, a MacConnection catalog, and the first of SXSW (Interactive) teasers.

The Bass Pro catalog is a wish list, and good for comparison shopping on prices. The New Yorker Magazine is a welcome look at other view points. Mac Connection has computer deals. And the SXSW flyer is the first of long series of promotions for an event I can’t afford next spring. Besides, I’m working out of town, conveniently so, for part of SXSW.

Unrelated self-absorption:
I need one of these

Leftover signage:
I’m a little upset, although promised, I never found the naked ladies.


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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