Off to the coast.
Yeah, coastal and western. Try and “get away for a spell.”
Thursday’s special at Sandy’s. The neon is still gone, apparently taken out by an errant driver.
I’ve soaked up as much hurricane coverage as I can, and I’m sorry. I’ll float a Red Cross link at the top of the scopes for a while, too. Next stop? San Antonio then onwards to the Texas Gulf Coast. See what there is that can be done.
Local reactions to the dire circumstances via British Press.
And perhaps one of the more eloquent local voices, Jette (she’s from there).
More by Jette.
Cherchez le poisson:
Just one. Tiny. Not that I didn’t have other fish, but only picture.
The big girls and boys were gathered as a gang, and I watched as they drifted by, none of them, I counted six trophy-sized fellers in there, but none of them liked what I was throwing at them. But they had heard of me, I recognized them, there’s that one big one with the thing on her side, the girlfriend, the one with the banged up nose, and the one that went sliding down the side one time, all there.
Fears – biggest fears
Exploding teeth aren’t nearly as bad as some perceptions. Or it could just be me. NOAA Texas Hurricane History.
“Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and the government when it deserves it.”
– Mark Twain
Stuck in the middle (with you):
Gratuitous musical/movie/cover tune interlude. I was looking over the scopes, and I was thinking about an Austin-neighborhood mailing list. Seems that a number of the liberals here are upset that UT Austin is one proposed site for the George W. Bush Presidential Library. (80% of my precinct did not vote for the current president.) But I’m leaving politics out of this. The problem is too many folks seem to equate me with Texas. That’s true, very true.
In the same day, I’ve had two different vehicles parked in my visitor’s spot, right by the ole trailer here. One had sticker that read “W The President.” Obviously, a show of support for the Republican side of life. The other had a sticker that was just a letter W surrounded by the international red circle and slash.
This theme is repeated, while I was ambling through a certain office building’s parking lot, sort of a shortcut towards downtown. Really a long-cut, but whose counting? It’s an official State of Texas employee parking lot. Same theme, “Bush ’04” and the ubiquitous W with the red circle and slash, on vehicles parked side-by-side.
And where do I stand? I like living where I live. I like being in a society where I can have two diametrically opposing view points sit on my crouton, one right after the other, and I can hear and concur with either argument.
It’s not so much that I’m a fence-sitter, it’s just that it’s a matter of separating the politics from the questions.
So don’t equate me with Texas if Texas pisses you off. It’s just where I live. It’s matter of separating the news from the news.