Midnight express – work at the bookstore.
Unrelated sidebar item, sort of tacked on at the last minute:
It’s about advertising. I clicked through on a link to an article, and the information I was seeking was buried, maybe a third of the page/screen was useful data, the rest was advertising. That, in and of itself, isn’t a problem. I certainly do that myself. What I thought was a little annoying, in order to access that data, there’s a registration process that included harvesting my e-mail address. So they have the option of sending me more advertising.Paid content, like, shouldn’t it be virtually ad-free? What’s the point in hitting the poor web browser twice, or three times, other than to annoy?
Granted, I do link to commercial sites, and astrofish.net is a “for profit business,” but in the paid subscriber section, there’s one PSA, and less than 2% advertising overall.
Subscriptions and so forth? No ads? Isn’t that way it should be?
Cherchez le poisson:
Thursday Morning’s “little friend.”