I’ve had the worst time sleeping, a leftover problem from last week’s medications, I’m sure. I wold tend to discount the amount of coffee consumed as a likely culprit – perish the thought. So I get to find items on the web at odd hours, that tickle me in odd ways, hence useless data.
Pre-order the latest in the ongoing debate about who really wrote the plays.
Makes sense, possibly, and wasn’t it Bloom who insisted that Falstaff was one of the greatest characters ever invented?
Personally, I like the conspiracy theories best. And related tales, too. Nothing like pure speculation to engage the mystery.
I’m not getting in on the authorship debate, as it’s a ticklish situation, and as I’ve noted before, there’s really no way to know for sure.
In other news:
Time Warner AOL & etc., seems to have blocked certain sites. Or did they?

Local wildlife refuge endangered?
One of the top ten wildlife refuges that are endangered.
Interesting take:
A novel solution to a problem, one that doesn’t bother me much, but I’m eternally amused – or annoyed, sort of depends on the time of day – by the scams.
For the “how far would you swim” department:
A female navigated that far, just looking for a mate?
Bet she had to stop and ask directions.
My favorite Great White is still Sherman.