Odd bits on the way to the airport

Odd bits on the way from the airport (must be El Paso).

Apple’s big deal?
Frankly, I’m not sure it’s what I want – a little animated face talking to me on a tiny screen.

The odd bits (in no order):
Cheapest gasoline?


Hot tip? What to buy used?

Shakespeare’s Language, also too big to lug around. But interesting at home.

Really spurious lit note:
“The Matter of Troy is reduced to ‘a whore and a cuckold,’ Helen and Menelaus, and to a company of rogues, fools, bawds, gulls, and ploiticians masquerading as sages – that is to say, to public figures of Shakespeare’s time, and of ours.”
(Harold Bloom, writing about Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida in the reference, Shakspeare: the invention of the human, page 328)

Text for The Two Noble Kinsmen – I need to dig out that Venus speech. as a Sagittarius,

Dinner with Grace and Bubba:
Some surprise: Mexican food.

There’s always that:
Some items I save as they become perfect illustrations for points in horoscopes. Other stories, though, they just don’t have a place, other than here.

At the onset, I was wondering about the flight, Austin to Midland then on to El Paso, and it connected on through to Phoenix.

“Yeah, Greyhound of the skies,” I muttered.

Looked like the seat next to me would be empty. Wrong. I spent an hour or more next to the wife a Southern Baptist Missionary. Makes for some interesting chatter.

Too bad – she’s lived in around Texas for a long time – she didn’t see the Jackolopes (visible from the plane as it arcs in over the Fort Bliss reservation. No, really.)

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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